Thump in the Night

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[Trixie's Experience]

This experience happened on a very early hour of the night, but some of us were sleeping at the time since we were sleep-deprived.

But I wasn't so used to sleeping so early and wasn't quite tired yet, so I simply left my eyes open as I stare at the blank darkness that consumed my room.

A short while after, I heard footsteps. They sounded very soft and light, but very clear to hear. The sound felt like it was walking towards our room. Then, I paused and listened to the other sounds around me and thought of possible scenarios.

It couldn't be my dad, because I can still hear the television and it's sounds like the show he'd watch every night.

I'm pretty sure it's not my mom, since she won't be home until later because of something urgent.

And obviously it's not my dog, since she's lying down beside me!

My sister is already sound asleep.

And at this hour, the maids should still be in their dinning area having dinner.

Eventually, the sound of the footsteps got louder and sounded heavier than before. A very loud thump then echoed out and it made me jump from the surprise and fear and adrenaline then ran its courses through my veins and I was really afraid.

Soon after, a maid then came rushing into my room to check on the loud noise and I told her about what I heard earlier on, and she decided to stay with me and 'guard' me until I would lay fast asleep.

The maid with me then called on another maid to check the outside for any fallen objects. But I could still somehow hear the footsteps, but they sounded a little faint than the ones from before. And when the other maid came and said that all was clear and nothing was moved, the footsteps suddenly went away.

It's scary to think what those footsteps could've been and what they would've done to me without others with me, but I'm glad to know that things were still in order and that someone was beside me to comfort me in my time of fear.

Just one thing that I hate the most...

I hate living in a haunted house...

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