Going through the store to the back, I body slammed into the back door to open it and poked my head around before making a break for it. I knew once I got far enough away from the fortress, I'd be in the clear.

Sprinting through the city, I followed the signs to Wisconsin Street and sighed when I saw the ball of twine before laughing to myself. I'd never thought I'd ever be so happy to see the biggest ball of twine. Looking around before knocking against the twine three times hard. I remembered that we had some secret code, but I didn't remember what it was.

I heard someone coming up the stairs and when they were near the top I spoke, "It's Olive! Let me in before someone sees!" I whispered harshly and the twine opened as hands pulled me in quickly before shutting the door. Suddenly arms were wrapped around me so tight that my ribs began to protest in pain. Pulling away, I saw a red-eyed James' looking so happy to see me.

"We all thought you were dead or worst!" He exclaimed and I sighed heavily as I made my way down the stairs, "Be warned, we lost a lot today and many came back injured. So prepare yourself."

"How'd you all get back?" I asked as I stepped into the main area and tried to keep my face natural as I possibly could.

The entire main foyer was covered with blue tarps and people were scattered on top of that. Lots of them were wailing in so much pain, I was surprised that I couldn't hear it when I was standing outside. Everyone had either yellow or red tags on them while too many were had white covered over them. I looked away as I went looking for Ollie and the rest of my squad.

"We have several entrances so we all split up, the most injured coming through the closest gate while others had to take a longer way around." He choked and I nodded as I continued to walk clenching my jaw. Many people came up to me asking if I needed to be treated but I shrugged them off. I wasn't dying right now so I could wait.

"Did everyone make it back?"

"Only a handful didn't, we did a roll call before and before you go in there," James stopped me and I frowned at him, "They think you are dead or captured. Depends on the way they are thinking so you need to be mindful when you walk-"

"James it's fine." I pushed him aside as I entered the quarters where I had been staying in. Everyone from Las Vegas was in there so it was crowded with everyone sitting on their cots in silence which was fine. I cleared my throat only a few looked in my direction.


"Oh my god!"


I was swept away as everyone jumped to their feet as I walked past, grabbing my hand and hugging me. A few even kissed me on the cheeks and I smiled at them. The room spoke in hushes and as I moved to where I slept and sighed heavily to see Frankie, Spencer, Robin and Ezra sitting on their bunks as though they had just seen a ghost. Their faces were gaunt and pale as they stared at me with despair.

"Guys I'm fine, seriously." I smiled at them and I suddenly realised there were two people missing, "Where are Michael and Ollie?"

The moment I spoke their names a hush went through the group and I looked at everyone as they dropped their gazes. My heart began to race in my chest and my mouth suddenly went dry as I stared at each of my friends before I asked again.

"Where are Michael and Ollie?" I stared at Frankie who wouldn't meet my eyes and I watched as her bottom lip began to tremble. Spencer wrapped his arm around her shoulders but didn't look at her, just kept his eyes on his feet. Robin was staring at the wall blankly and Ezra, for the first time, looked sad. "Ezra! Where are they!" I screamed causing them to jump and he sighed shaking his head.

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