Imagine: mitchell coming back from the war and turning you

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Mitchell's pov
I woke to the felt of being hungry and only wanting to have the feeling of having someone's blood running through my mouth so I shot my eyes open and took a deep breath to only see that I was laying next to dead troops so I sat up to only hear someone say

"Welcome to your new life"

As he said that I looked at him to see that he had orange hair and that he looked familiar so I stood up and said

"Don't I know you"

As I said that he smiled and said

"Yes you do because I'm your turner"

As he said that I sent him a confusing look then placed my hands on my neck to only feel two bite marks on my neck so I looked at him and said

"So it wasn't a dream"

With that he put one hand on my shoulder and said

"No and as of today you know a vampire"

With that I looked all around me to see my troops lifeless bodies laying on the ground so I started to feel guilty for them instead I was interrupted by the felt of wanting to drink their blood so I looked at one of them to only feel two sharp teeth piping out and to only feel my eyes go black so I took a deep breath and the next thing I knew I was drinking someone's blood and I was a monster I thought wasn't real until now.

A few days later: your pov
You sat on chair in front of the fire taking in the warmth wishing Mitchell would come home, wishing he would walk through the door and pull you in a hug when all of a sudden you heard the door open so you looked over to see Mitchell standing so you stood up and said


As you said that he walked in the house and said

"Yea it's me"

With that you walked up to him and wrapped your arms around his neck to only feel him hug you tightly and to only feel a tear roll down your face so you hugged him tighter to only feel him pull apart so he can look at you and when he did you smiled to only feel his hand on your face and to only feel his thumb wipe away the tears so you smiled to only feel his lips on yours so you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him back to only feel him pull you closer and make the kiss go deeper, after what felt like a lifetime of having his lips on yours he pulled apart and made his forehead touch yours so you smiled to only hear him say

"I love you Y/N"

With that you smiled and said

"I love you to Mitchell"

With that you felt his lips on your neck so you closed your eyes to take in his touch and to only feel him lower you do you held onto him tightly to only feel your back hit the bed and when it you felt his hand move down your body so you moaned and the next thing you knew you felt two sharp things in your neck so you tried to get out of his embrace but he was to strong so you just laid there holding back tears because the one you love has ruined your life.

Mitchell's pov
I looked down at the body on the bed to see that it was the love of my life turning into the monster that I got turned into so I punched my leg to only feel tears rolling down my face because I ruined the life of lover and I turned her into the monster I thought I could control, the monster who ruined me and who is now ruining Y/Ns life.

Ok so please tell me if I should make this into a story and sorry if this sucks but please comment what you think and I hope you like it😘😘✌🏻️

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