Imagine: aidan helping you make a clay sculpture

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You sat on the stool with your hands on the clay sculpting it while it moves around when all of a sudden you heard Aidan come home so you smiled to only hear him say

"Hey babe what's for dinner"

As she said that you added a little bit more water to the clay so it doesn't go dry then said

"Well I was thinking maybe just fish and chips if you don't mind because I don't feel like cooking sorry"

With that he pulled out two wine glasses and poured you and him the best Irish wine that he had then walked in the clay room to see you working on the clay so he smiled then took a sip of it and when he did your heard him laugh a small laugh so you looked at him and said


With that he smiled and then said

"It's really hard to believe that someone like you enjoys doing that stuff"

As he said that you smiled and said

"It calms me"

As you said that he put his glass of wine down next to yours then walked up to you with a smile on his face so you smiled to only feel him sit behind you and move closer to you so you smiled to only feel his hands on your waist and his lips on your neck so you bit down on your lip to hold back a moan but you couldn't so you let it slip out to only feel him smile against your skin and to only hear him say

"What don't I do a good enough job"

As he said that you smiled then said

"You do a perfect job but sometimes I can't just use sex to calm me down because with you it's like giving candy to a kid to calm down the kid won't it would just ask for more"

As you said that he laughed a small laugh so you laughed to only feel his hand under your shirt so you smiled to only hear him say

"Is that a good thing or bad"

"Well the path your going down now is making it a good thing"

With that he smiled then said

"Can I help"

"With what"

"With the clay, can you please teach me how to do it"

As he said that you smiled to only feel his hands get out of your shirt so you put your hands on his and pulled it to clay and said

"Now just shape it to what ever shape comes to your mind"

With that you begun to pull your hands away but he grabbed them and said

"Help me"

With that you smiled then put your hand on the clay to only feel Aidan's hands on your so you and Aidan just shaped the clay into what ever comes your minds.

A few hours later
You shaped the clay to only feel Aidan's hands intwine with yours so you smiled then turned your head and kissed him to only feel him kiss you deeper so you smiled to only feel him his lips leave yours and meet your neck so you moaned to only hear Aidan say

"Wanna go upstairs"

With that you stopped moving the clay board and said

"First let's clean our hands"

"What don't you want to get a little dirty"

As you said that you laughed a small laugh and said

"I'm pretty sure you don't want to clay in your hair and I know I don't"

"Then let's go for a shower"

With that you smiled and said


With that he stood up then held out his hand for you so you took it then walked into the bathroom to have a shower and to well you know.

Sorry for the crappy ending and sorry if it bad but please comment what you think and I hope you like it😘😘✌🏻️

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