Imagine: mitchell taking you on a special date to the docks

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You sat on the bench in the hospital changing room with your head in your hands wanting to have the feeling of someone's nice warm blood running through your mouth so you stood up walked over to the lockers punched them to only hear the only voice that would calm you down and that would always keep you warm say

"Are you ok babe"

As he said that you turned around to see Mitchell standing there with a worried look on his face so you put on a sad plus scarred face then said

"I can't do it Mitchell, I need to feed, I need to have blood running through my mouth"

As you said that you felt tears roll down your face so I sat on the bench to only feel someone pull you in a hug and when they did you hugged him back to only hear him say

"Shh it's ok you will get through and I will help you"

"But what if I don't, what if the vampire takes over and I go and feed Mitchell please help me I'm scarred"

With that he hugged you tighter then said

"That's it I'm taking you out tonight just two somewhere special, what do you say"

As he said that you looked at him with a crying face so he put on a sad face then made his hands go on your cheek and when he did he made his thumb wipe the tears away so you closed your eyes to take in his touch when all of a sudden you felt a pair of lips on yours so you kissed him back to only feel him pull you closer so you moved closer to only feel him pull apart and when he did he made his forehead touch yours so you closed your eyes and said

"Where to"

"That's for me to know and you to find out"

As he said that you let out a small laugh to only hear him say

"Now stop crying because it hurts me seeing you cry like this"

As he said that you smiled then said

"How can a monster like me be so nice"

With that he hugged you back then said

"You are only a monster if you allow it to over come you know come on stop crying or I'll have to bring out the tickle monster"

As he said that you felt his hand on waist and you felt him tickling you so you moved around to try and get out of his embrace but you couldn't because he was to strong so you let out a small laugh then said

"Ok, ok I'm smiling"

With that he laughed then said

"There we go now come on let's get back to work"

With that he stood up and held his hand for you so you took then went back to work trying so hard to attack someone for their blood.

A few hours later
You started to lift hospital shirt to take it off when all of a sudden you felt two soft hands on your waist and felt a pair of lips kiss your neck so you closed your eyes to take in the touch of having Mitchell's lips on your neck so you moaned to only feel him pull you closer so you turned around to only feel lips kiss your neck so you wrapped your arms around his neck to only feel yourself being pushed against the locker so you smiled then you heard George say

"Guys come on you at work"

As he said that Mitchell pulled apart and said

"Sorry it's just that I can't get enough of her like how soft her body feels and just having her lips on mine you know what I mean"

As he said that you heard George sigh so you looked over to seen him roll his eyes so you let out a small laugh then said

"Sorry George"

With that you felt Mitchell's lips on your neck again so you pushed him away and said

"Mitchell we are at work"

With that he gave you your shirt so you turned around took off the hospital shirt and put on your normal day shirt to only feel Mitchell pull you somewhere so you said goodbye to George and said

"Mitchell where are you taking me"

As you said that you got in the car so did Mitchell so you did your seatbelt up and said

"Mitchell what's going on"

As you said that he looked at you then smiled and said

"I said I will take you somewhere special so that's what I'm doing"

As he said that you looked down at your clothes then said

"But I'm not dressed for it"

"Oh yes you are trust me you look beautiful and anyway no one will be there"

As he said that you smiled then said

"You promised"

With that he looked at you and said

"Cross my heart hope to die"

With him saying that you let out a laugh to only hear him laughing so you laughed then he turned on the car and drove to this really nice place. After what felt like hours of driving the car finally came to a stop and when it did you saw this really nice dock that had a really nice view of the sun going down so you smiled got out of the car to only feel the nice Bristol breeze hitting your skin so you smiled even more then said

"Oh my goodness Mitchell it's so beautiful, how on earth did you find this"

As you said that he took a hold of your hand so you held it tightly to only feel him pull you on the dock, as he was walking up to the dock you heard him say

"This is where I use to come whenever I was upset before I met you and when I saw this today at work I thought of this place so I decided to take you here, I hope you like it"

"Like it I love it"

As you said gnat you looked at him to see smiling so you smiled then walked closer to him wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him to only feel him kiss you back and when he did you pulled apart and said

"Thank you Mitchell"

"For what"

"For believing me, for not giving up me"

As you said that he put his forehead on yours then said

"I will never give up on you I love you and only you"

With he made his hands go on your waist and when they did you noticed that he was moving around so you stop and said

"I can't dance"

With that he pulled you closer again and said

"Then let me teach you"

With that you smiled then said


Then Mitchell just taught you how to dance plus you guys sat there enjoyed being in each other embrace, enjoyed not wanting to feed off anyone just for there blood, just enjoyed being around just each other for the whole night.

Hey guys sorry if this sucks but please don't forget to vote and comment what you think and if you have any request just ask me because I would love to do one for you and I hope you like this chapter and I love all of you, you guys are the best😘😘✌🏻️

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