Imagine: aidan crying himself to sleep

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It's been days since Aidan got the message from him his brother saying that his mum died and you knew that hit Aidan hard because he would come home from work and go straight to bed wishing his mum was alive, wishing it would never happen to him.

Aidan's pov
I walked out of my car to only feel tears form in my eyes so I took a deep breath and walked inside to see Y/N sitting on the lounge watching and then there was none so I looked at the clock on the wall to see that it was 10pm so I took my jacket off and placed it on the table then walked in the lounge room sat on the lounge and felt myself pull Y/N closer to me and when I did I hugged her tighter to only feel tears form in my eyes so I kissed her head and said

"Please stay with me and don't leave me here all by myself".

Your pov
"Please stay here and don't leave me here all by myself"

As he said that you knew exactly what he was talking so you turned around and kissed him to only feel tears hitting your lip so you pulled apart and said

"That's why I married you because I love you and I'm not leaving you"

As you said that he hugged you tighter so you hugged him back to only feel yourself say

"Let's go to bed"

With that you stood up and held out your hand for him so he took it then you pulled him to bed, when you got in bed you laid down to only feel him pull you closer and wrap his arms around you tightly so you placed his hand on yours to only feel him kiss your shoulder and to only feel a tear hit your shoulder so you turned around and wrapped your arms around his chest to only hear him say

"You mean the world to me, I love you Y/N"

With that you kissed his chest and said

"I love you to and so do you"

With that you closed your eyes to take in his touch and to only hear Aidan cry himself to sleep because he lost his mother so you are doing all you can to comfort him and helping him through it all and telling him that he can do it and that you will be here with him.

Sorry for the crappy ending but please comment what you think and I hope you like it😘😘✌🏻️

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