Imagine: kili thanking you for saving him

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You sat on your bed in the blue mountains allowing the nice cool middle earth breeze hit your skin so you sighed stood up, walked over to the closet pulled out your elven wedding dress to only noticed tears running down your face because you didn't want to marry him you wanted to marry prince kili because believe it or not even though you are half elf half dwarf you had mor dwarf in then elf so you put it back in the closet to only hear fili say

"Tell him"

As he said that you looked at him to him to so he can see a crying you so he put on a sad face then walked in pulled you in a hug so you hugged him back to only hear say

"You love kili don't you"

As you said that you hugged him tighter then said

"More then anything"

With that he sighed then said

"Ok I'll see what I can do but I can't promise anything"

With that you smiled a small smile then said

"Thank you fili, you will make a good King"

With that he pulled apart and let out a small laugh then said

"Stop trying to suck up to me"

With that you smiled the he walked out so you walked up to the window sat on the bench that was beside your window and just watched the the beautiful scenery.

A few hours later
As you where sitting on the bench you hear a knock at the door so you looked at the door to only see it open and to only see kili walk in so you smiled then opened your mouth to say something instead you where interrupted by kili saying

"I just came here to say thank you for saving me on the battle field today"

With that you smiled the stood up and walked over to him to only feel him pull you in a hug so you hugged him back and when you did he pulled apart to only see that your face and his face was so close together so you opened your mouth to say something instead you where interrupted by kilis lips crashing with yours so you kissed back to only feel his hand move down your body and to only feel yourself being lowered on the bed so you wrapped your arms around kilis neck to only feel his hands go up your leg and to only feel his lips move from your lips to your neck so you let out a small moan to only feel him smile against your skin and to only feel your hands in his hair and the next thing you knew your body and kilis body was intwined and you cloud feel his nice warm breath on your skin and his hands and your hands up at the top intwined and you could the love for him grow strong and you knew that you would do anything to keep him alive.

Hey guys sorry if this bad but please don't forget to vote and comment what you think and if you have request I would love to do for them, I hope you enjoy this and I love you guys, you guys are the best😘😘✌🏻️

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