Chapter 2: Set Up

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A nearly uneventful week passed for both sides. Optimus and Raven mutually decided not to keep their relation a secret from the others and told them. Of course, Miko had a bijillion questions, and many of them Optimus and Raven tried to avoid. Also, Natalie was situated at the base. Agent Fowler wanted to relocate her to Jasper, but she refused. This left Ratchet always grumbling about all the energon they were using in constantly groundbridging her back and forth to her job.

Megatron was determined to offline Raven, and was taking extreme measures, which brings us to our present situation.

Ratchet was working away when a signal appeared on the command console. It was very faint and he couldn't distinct whether it was a life-signal or an energon-signal. "Optimus, you might want to come see this," he called. Optimus walked over and inspected it. "We need to send someone to investigate," he said.

Raven, who was in the room, immediately perked up. "How 'bout me?" She asked, walking over. Optimus hesitated, but seeing there was no immediate threat, he agreed. "Take Bumblebee with you," he said. The duo nodded and waited by the groundbridge

"Alert us immediately if there's trouble," he said to them just before they disappeared through the portal.

- - - - - - -

Raven and Bumblebee arrived at the scene, and miles of canyons stretched out before them. Raven checked the scanner, and the signal was only a little ways away. Raven shrugged. "Might as well get started," she said.

About an hour later, they were almost right on top of the signal. Only, the canyon walls were starting to get more narrow, and soon Bumblebee wouldn't be able to fit. Bumblebee suddenly looked around nervously and beeped to Raven that he felt like he was being watched. She nodded, "Same here," she said, readying her gun, "stay on your guard." Bee nodded and did the same.

They walked a little further, and Bumblebee misjudged a gap. When he tried to slide through, he got wedged in between the walls. He struggled before he was forced to call to Raven, who was already moving ahead. Raven sighed, shaking her head, "Seriously Bee? When are you ever-"

Raven was cut off by something, but when Bumblebee looked up, she was just gone. He looked around nervously and feared the worst.  Finally, he was able to pull himself free and begun to look for her, but to no avail.

He had no choice but to call for backup. After he did so, the scout heard fighting a little while away. He quickly made his way over to assist Raven in whatever trouble she was in.

- - - - - - -

Raven struggled as her captor dragged her along the ground. Everything was pitch black, and she heard the sound of something that might of been drilling, fading in and out of the distance. It was hard for her to hear anything over the ringing in her audio-receptors.

Suddenly, there was a blinding light, and it took Raven's optics a minute to adjust. They were in a completely different part of the canyon where the walls bulged out to look almost like an arena. She looked behind her to where they came from, seeing only a long tunnel in the ground. The still slightly dazed Autobot took a minute to register the realization that they had been traveling under ground.  She let her processor clear before springing into action, readying her gun and looking around for her captor, but only finding that she was all alone.

Raven then started looking for a way out, but the only thing she found was a sheer drop into a ravine on one side and the rest was canyon wall. She heard the sound of peds rushing towards her and she whirled around, only to be knocked to the ground. Raven looked up to see a spider-femme looming over her. Raven didn't have time to gawk as Airachnid was about to strike again. Raven rolled out of the way, got up, and unsheathed her ebony-bladed talwar swords.

Raven was having a hard time scoring hits being that she was constantly parrying Airachnid's spider legs. Then, Aiachnid scored a hard hit that sent Raven reeling back. She regained her balance and took a step back. Rocks crumbled under her ped as they fell into the ravine.

Airachnid struck again and Raven blocked it instinctively, but instead of pulling back, Airachnid continued to push inch by inch, threatening to make Raven fall into the ravine. Raven pushed back but to no avail. Airachnid laughed evilly as Raven fell. Airachnid turned, smirking to herself as she heard the other Autobots approaching.

- - - - - - -

(??? POV)

I'm sitting here waiting for the signal from Airachnid thinking how bad of an idea this was. Not only how bad it was, and how much I'm realizing how much don't want to go through with it. I really REALLY didn't want to go through with it...

I landed on Earth not too long ago, only to be greeted by a squadron Decepticons. They held me captive on the Nemesis, and when I was certain no one was coming for me, I had to convince them that I was one of them.

Unfortunately, they were not so easily persuaded, and the fact I was wearing an Autobot symbol didn't help. Then, I had to resort to telling them that Megatron was my father. He was outraged by such a ridiculous statement, even though it was very true. I was sure I was going to get offlined that day, but Soundwave stopped him. I still can't figure out why... Megatron had our energon tested and it was a match, so I became a Decepticon.
Yay me.

I was only there as an official con for a day and life couldn't be any more miserable. Megatron left me out on a lot of things, but Soundwave surprised me again when he told me about a femme that the Autobots recently took in- Raven. We were both in the siege of Iacon, and she was my only friend at the time. I haven't seen her in so long, which is the only reason why I came up with the plan of me posing as a bot.

Only now am I realizing that this is a stupid idea. What if she doesn't remember me? What if they figure out who I am? How will I tell them that I want to be one of them? Will they accept me? What will I do when I have to report back to the Nemesis in a couple weeks? Or do I not show up and just stay with the bots? Primus, I'm so paranoid sometimes.

I tore my attention from my rambling thoughts when there was a commotion in the canyon. Soon after, the Airachnid commend me, "She's in position... And I hear the Autobots approaching."

"Show time," I muttered to myself as I leaped into action.

Maybe things will work out in the end, but for now, I'm just going to have to play along.

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Sorry it took me forever to update, but my phone is such a derp. Don't expect post on the weekends like this because that's when I binge watch YouTube, but I made an exception since I made you guys wait so long. Obviously, the picture at the top is Raven, which I've been trying to draw her for a LONG time and she finally turned out like I wanted. If you're wondering, the mystery character at the end is also fan made, and I bet by the description that you know where I'm going with him *wink*. Anyway, stay tuned! ^ ^


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