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A/N: First, this is my first posted fan fiction so don't grill me too hard! (But, this like the tenth version of this particular fanfic so far) But, I do appreciate feedback, just as long as you don't go grammar nazi all over my story. Second, I'm finishing this, no matter how bad you or someone else thinks it is, or how unpopular it turns out to be (that sass tho). Now, without further a due,
Transformers Prime: Horizons.

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Raven's POV

Iacon. The capital of Cybertron. Now, it was under siege. With my father and me caught in the middle. It was bad enough that we were being hunted down, so now things are really going to get deadly...

"Hurry Raven!" He urged. We ran as fast as we could, trying to escape the fallen city. With gunfire, explosions, and dead allies everywhere, there was little hope for Iacon.

Suddenly, an Autobot ship crashed down not to far from us, tearing up a few structures and housing units as it went down. The gunfire picked up in our direction so we took cover behind the ship. Then, a familiar space jet streaked across the smoke-engulfed sky. It transformed in mid-air, and the menacing Megatron landed on the opposite end of the ally. He was blocking our only escape.

"Raven, I'll go... distract him while you escape," He said. The pause in the middle made me worry. "You will come back... right?" I nearly whispered. I just couldn't believe what he was saying. I mean, my dad was never really a fighter at all. There was a hint of unsureness in his optics. "I'll always be there for you, no matter what." He finally said.

I gave him a desperate hug before he walked off into the battle...

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Sorry for the shortness, but that's only the Prologue! The actual chapters will be way longer because I write a lot, but that also means that it takes a little bit for me to update. Don't worry, I'll try my best! Stay tuned! ^ ^


Transformers Prime: Horizons ((ON HOLD))Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ