Chapter Nine: Shoey to the rescue

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         From Joey Graceffa

              hey gurl gonna save u and T from hell dnt wrry prnts gave me permission.

            I wondered what he was going to do. The intercom beeped and a voice said, "Please send Diana Carly Rose to the main office she is leaving." My teacher sighed and said okay. I left quickly, I got to my locker grabbed my bag and penny board, which had been a gift from Jc and Kian. I named it Rostian, it was Rosta's little brother. I said that because it was black and yellow with red wheels just like Rosta had been until she got a make over earlier in the month. Trevor was waitting for me in the office. I saw Shane and Joey there and they were holding hands. I took a mental image. "Hey Uncle Joey and Shane." I said hugging them.

              "Why can't you call me Uncle Shane, Dc? Joey and I are practically married." Shane poutted. I rolled my eyes and we left.

                   "So why are you guys acting so hashtag shoey today?" I asked. They shrugged and pulled out of the school parking lot. Trevor grabbed my hand and smiled at me. "And thank you for saving us from hell." They took us to Joey's apartment where we made a huge collab video.

              "Hello there everyone, I am joinned today with Shane! Trevor Moran! and Dc Rose!" Joey said. We all waved. We were on his bed.

             "Yes it's hashtag Shoey and hashtag Davor!" Shane said holding Joey and Trevor held me.

               "And today we are doing a boyfriend does my makeup tag!"Trevor said. We all got up and set up the challenge, well Shane, Trevor, and I did. Joey explained what we were going to do. Pretty much Joey and I since we are the females of the relationship. We're getting our makeup done. Which I didn't think was far because Shane does his makeup all the time and knows what stuff it and Trevor didn't. Joey came out and set up the camera and sat beside me. "So we are the girls for this." I said "And were getting our makeup done. Which I don't find fair since Shane puts on makeup anyways so he knows what stuff is unlike Trevor." Trevor shrugged and we got started. He make me look so awkward. He started off good with the foundation although he caked it on. He put eyeliner around my lips and on my cheeks. Put blush on my eyes and cheeks. Stabbed me in the eye with mascara. It wasn't pretty. I looked like a train wreck. Then he put dark red lipstick on my lips and made me look like the joker. "Do I look pretty?" I asked the camera.Joey on the other hand looked pretty good. I grabbed Trevor and pulled him to the backround and I kissed him a few times making his lips very red. We both came back to the camera. "Uh get a room." Joey said with a laugh.

               "May the odd be ever in your favor goodbye." We all said and Joey turned off the camera. Then we washed our faces off. Next was Shane's turn. I didn't get to see what he'd desided to do until I got back from Joey's bathroom. It looked alot like the tin can challange. "Hey guys it's Shane and I'm here with Joey, hashtag Shoey, Trevor Moran and his girl Dc Rose and we are doing the blindfolded tin can challenge! Trevor and I will be blindfolded because we got to ruin Joey and Dc's faces in Joey's video which will be linked later on so here we go!" I blindfolded Trevor and drew a  number from the bowl. It was dog food. I gagged when I opened it and showed it to the camera mouthing "It smells sooo bad, it's dog food!" I took a spoon full and looked at Trevor. "Trevor here comes the spoon!" I said, he opened his mouth widely and got a big spoon full of dog food. Which he chewwed,gagged on, then swallowed.

                 "Gross what was that?" He asked.

                 "Dog food." Joey said.

                   "Ahaha that sucks!" Shane said laughing.

                    "But you ate it so we got a point." I asked. Joey picked a number, it was sardines. I laughed watching him do what I did.

                  "Shane open up." He said with the spoon close to Shane's mouth.

              "I don't want to if it's not your dick going into my mouth." Shane said and Joey shoved the sardine into his mouth. Shane gagged and spit it up. "Was that a sardine?!" He scream Joey laughed and said yes. We did that for about 4 more each then ended the video. Trevor leaned over trying to kiss me but he ate dog food, black berries, artichoke, and cat food so I wasn't kissing him. We filmed a truth or dare for my channel, and a random dance party for Trevor's channel. It was alot of fun, until we had to go home. We said good bye to Shane then Joey drove us home. I got into my room and collapsed onto my bed. It'd been a long day. I pulled out my phone and posted onto twitter : had a fun day with #shoey (@joeygraceffa + @shanedawson) and @trevormoran vids should be up tomorrow.: Then fell asleep.

A Chance Encounterحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن