Chapter 1: Captain Cold

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_1st POV_

I found myself barely out of the city and I growled as I see the bike with a letter on it and the tracers beside it. I picked up the letter that said. Nice try. But we aren't that dumb.
I crumbles it up and threw it. Where the hell will he be?! I yelled in my mind and sighed. Getting on her bike and riding off. As I drive I get a text from Barry, as I'm at a stoplight I read it, and they found Snart and he sent me the location with that I drive at top speed to get there
_Time Skip_
I see Joe chasing Snart. I speed my bike up and head right to Snart, him seeing this he pulls a gun out but he fires it at the ground and ice comes out, I lose control of the motorcycle and crash hard.
"(Y/N)!!" Joe yells and runs by me. I groan but get up.
"I'm fine let's go!" I respond as I get up running into the building Snart went into.
"So tell me was it you who put the tracker on my bike?" Snart asks and looks at me a smirk on his face. I narrow my eyes
"Tch....Maybe I was..."
"You would have known his location?" Joe asks,very pissed. I nod and sigh but then ice is suddenly flying at us. My eyes widen and I pushed Joe out of the way and closed my eyes waiting for it to hit. I was hit but by a person. I looked up to see Barry. Joe looks at me
"(Y/n) ,you ok?!" He asked worried. I and then heard Barry yell. I quickly got up and saw a dead man,and Snart gone. I knew this was my fault. I could have had Snart. I could have saved this man.
_Time Skip_
I was at the coffee shop with Joe. He sighed and looked at me.
"If you knew where Snart was why didn't you say anythin'?! You almost got Berry killed! "
I looked down in shame.
"I know! When I followed the tracker I saw he knew I put it there, he even wrote a letter,by then I knew I messed up..."
"But why didn't you tell us?"
"I-....I....", I looks down in tears, "I wanted to be a hero... I'm not like Barry. At all! I-I'm not fast I'm not smart! I-I can't be a hero!... I'm not... like him...or The Flash "
Joe sighs and hugs me I hug back and cry. The last time I remember crying this bad was when my mom was killed and dad went to Iron-Hites.
"(Y/n)...You don't have to be like your brother. Your strong,you are smart too,you are you,and that's great! You choose who you want to be, and not what you think other want you to be. (Y/n) I'm proud of you,my daughter. " He smiled
I smiles and sighs.
"Thanks, Dad."
He then gets a call.
"Snart robbed the museum, and his heading to the train station!" He says.
I run off into an alley and get changed, and then get onto my bike heading there. Joe follows behinds me. I get in before him because he had to wait for Eddy. I run into Snart as he goes to fire his gun but I dodge and it misses me. I get up as he is to getting onto the train. I quickly follow him onto the moving train. He smirks at me.
"Aren't you something. " He says and smiles. I gulp and look at him.
"You not gonna attack?" I asks, with a slight glare.
He smirks and move towards me I stand my ground and watch his movements. His coat covering most of his face,but just enough for me to see.
"You don't look like no hero. I never heard or saw you before. What are you? A rogue? Kinda like Batman or something? " He reaches a hand into his pocket and pulls a piece of paper out, and hands it to me. I hesitate but take it.
"I know in a couple of seconds your friend will be here. So call me if you want to talk." He winks and as said right on time my brother comes in.
"Oh lookie here right on time. Well then I best be going. You won't get to stop me if you are to busy saving everyone else,if you can."
Snart then freezes the bottom of one of the train making it break and then the ones behind it go to collied.
"Get him!" Barry yells ,as Snart went to jump out. Before he does I tackle him and we both go rolling out. I land on top of him and he smirks up at me
"The guys are usually ontop." He says. I stutter to answer and he hits me on the side of the head and I fall off. I groan as I get up. That man...Hit me!! And it hurt damnit! But...what he said... idiot. I'm an idiot do I really have....feeling for this man?!
Barry quickly saves the passengers, as I dodge Snart's freeze attack , and then again Barry gets hit by Snart. I turn to see Cisco. My eyes widen as I saw the gun he had.
"Move away Captain Cold
,or I'll kill you"
"You have never killed anyone before, your hands are shaking...well I guess I should be going. " He started to walk off. Leaving us there.
"How did you make that so fast,Cisco?!" I asked. He laughs and said,"Oh it isn't really it's just from the janitors closet and we used LED lights!" I smiled and then sighs looking away. Snart says... I'm not a hero... Is he right? I'm not like my brother. I only make mistakes. I then pull the folded pepper out he gave me. I sighed and put it away again. I decided not to tell this time either But why? I mean he is bad maybe he can become good I hope then I sigh. "You alright? " Cisco asks and touches my now bruised head.
"Yeah I'm fine. I'm gonna go home. See Ya guys" I fake smile and sigh quickly run off to my bike
_Time Skip_

I walk into my apartment and quickly close the door and change into bed clothes. I then take the note from my pocket and open it.
Hope Ya are reading this. I belive we should met up. Talk about things. We both know your not a hero type. Your being help back by that team of your. Call me at this number (random number) . Maybe we can talk. I really wanna see that mask off of Ya too. You already know what I look like so it's only fair,beautiful. Call me soon
"What the fuck is this a love letter?!" I sigh and pick my cell phone up. I look down at it and then the number. I hesitate once more,but call the number. I them lay on my bed and wait for him to answer. One ring. Two rings. Three rings. F-
"Hello?" I hear him answer that voice of his I like. Wait liek?!
"Hello?" He said this time annoyed.
"U-uh What do you want with me? " I demanded.
"I only want to talk." He says.
~ To Be Continued

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