Isaac looked intently at his feet. "Because I trust you." "Why?" Scott asked blankly.

"Because you always seem to want to do the right thing." Scott sighed, turning back to put the tools away. "I usually have no idea what i'm doing. Actually I always have no idea what i'm doing."

I leaned over towards Isaac. "It's true, he doesn't" Scott glared at me as Isaac spoke. "Hmm. Do you want to let me know what you're doing right now?"

"I'm not going anywhere if that's what you mean. I have too many people here who need me." Scott glanced over at me, lightly smiling.

"Well, I guess that makes me lucky 'cause uh- 'cause I don't have anyone, so." He looked down at the floor.

"Are you gonna go with them?" Isaac started walking to the exit. "Yeah.Yeah, I think I will. Good luck with the game though."

"Well, thanks but i'm not going either. Can't even think about playing some meaningless game right now." Isaac turned back around, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Neither of you were at the practice last week, were you?" Scott and I shook our heads.

"No, we skipped it. Why?" Isaac sighed. "Then you didn't hear?"

"Hear what?" Scott and I said simultaneously. "Jackson was there."

My eyes went wide. "What do you mean "there"? Like he was-" Isaac cut me off. "As if nothing had happened.

"Really? That means-the game tonight." Isaac nodded. "Yeah. He's playing."

Scott and I ran towards the field. We were convinced that Jackson and Gerard were up to something. Something bad.

I sat down next to my mom, who was behind Stiles. My mom had warmed up to Scott and I, she would actually look at us again and attempt to make conversation.

"Good morning." The coaches voice boomed from in front of Stiles. "In less than an hour, aircraft from here will be joining others from around the world. And you will be launching the largest aerial battle in the history of mankind."

I groaned as mom furrowed her eyebrows. "What?" The coach continued his speech. "Mankind- that word should have new meaning for all of us today."

My mom leaned forward and poked Stiles' shoulder. "What the hell is he talking about?"

"He does this every year." Mom rolled her eyes. "Seriously?" Stiles sighed and nodded. "Yeah."

"We are fighting for our right to live." The team fist pumped. "Yeah."

"Wait, is this?" Stiles nodded again. "Yeah, it's the speech from Independence Day."

"But as the day the world declared in one voice." I tuned him out to listen to Stiles. "It's Coach's favorite movie."

"He doesn't know any sport speeches?" Mom questioned, glancing at the coach. "I don't think he cares."

"Today we celebrate our Independence Day." "Yeah."

"Well, spoken, coach." Gerard comes up to coach and pats his shoulder. I can feel my mom tense up behind me. "I might have chosen something with a little more historical value, but there's no denying your passion. And while I haven't been here long, there's no denying my pride in having a winning team for this school. I know you'll all be brilliant, even with only one co-captain leading you."

I furrowed my eyebrows and looked over at Scott, who's eyes were glaring at Gerard. "Now, i' your principal, but i'm also a fan. So don't think I'll be content to watch you merely beat this team. Get out there and murder them."

Aubrey //S.S.// ➸ Book 1Where stories live. Discover now