Drunk Words Speak Sober Thoughts

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"Where are we going?" Scott asked as Stiles led us further into the woods. He showed up at our house, practically dragging us out and up to the preserve.

"You'll see." Stiles replied, swinging around the beer bottle in hand. Scott sighed, but continued to follow him.

"'Cause we really shouldn't be out here. My mom is in a constant state of freak-out from what happened at the school." Scott sighed as I nodded. When we got home that night, our mom wouldn't let us leave the house for a week, the only exception was school and practice.

"Well, your mom isn't the sheriff, okay? There's no comparison, trust me." Stiles retorted. When Stiles returned home, His dad flipped out on him and was two seconds away from taking his jeep away, however he realized Stiles needed it to get to school so Stiles got off pretty easy.

"Can you at least tell me what we're doing out here?" Scott groaned as Stiles stopped next to a big rock, sitting next to it. "Yes. When your best friend gets dumped-" Scott cut him off.

"I didn't get dumped. We're taking a break." I rolled my eyes. "Scott, you don't take breaks from relationships."

"Well, we are." He shot me a glare as Stiles rolled his eyes, taking a drink from the bottle.

"Alright, well, when you best friend gets told by his girlfriend that they're "taking a break"- You get your best friend drunk." He handed Scott the bottle.

20 minutes later, Stiles was drunk off his ass while Scott was still sober due to his wolf powers. "Dude, you know. She's just one- one girl. You know, there are so many- there are so many other girls in the sea." I chuckled to myself as Scott rolled his eyes.

"Fish in the sea." Scott commented as Stiles tilted his head. "Fish? Why are you talking about fish? I'm talking about girls. I love girls." He laughed at himself.

"I love 'em. I love especially ones with Brown hair, brown eyes, 5'4"." My eyes widened, as Scott stared down at him.

"That sounds a lot like my sister." Scott said as Stiles laughed, taking another sip of the drink.

I wasn't sure if what he said was actually true, I mean he was drunk but like they say drunk word are sober feelings...Right?

"Yeah, exactly. Hey. How did you know I was talking about- about- What was I talking about? Hey you're not happy. Take a drink." He muttered, holding the bottle out to him.

Scott shook his head, pushing the bottle back. "I don't want anymore."

Stiles tilted his head, flashing him a goofy smirk. "You're not drunk?" Scott sighed, nodding. "I'm not anything." He replied, staring off into the trees.

"Maybe it has something to do with your healing." Stiles declared as Scott nodded. "Probably."

"Hey, maybe it's like-maybe it's like not needing your inhaler anymore, you know. Maybe you can't get drunk as a wolf." Stiles answered as I chuckled, patting his head.

"I just said that buddy." Scott groaned as Stiles co

ntinued to laugh.

"Am I drunk?" Stiles questioned as Scott and I nodded. "You're wasted."

He turned towards me, holding out the bottle. "Aubrey, you're not drunk either. Drink." He pleaded as I shook his head. "Nah, i'm good."

He shrugged his shoulders, taking another sip. "Suit yourself."

"Yeah! Come on. Dude. I know it feels bad I know it hurts. i know. Well I don't know. But I know this. I know that as much as being broken up hurts. Being alone is way worse. That didn't make any sense, I need a drink." Stiles went to take a sip, when the bottle was ripped out of his grasp.

Aubrey //S.S.// ➸ Book 1Where stories live. Discover now