I Knew You Were Good for Me

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"Flatter me, and I may not believe you. Criticize me, and I may not like you. Ignore me, and I may not forgive you. Encourage me, and I will not forget you. Love me, and I may be forced to love you."

-William Author Ward 

I knew this wouldn't work from the moment we touched

I knew we wouldn't last from the moment I blushed 

Still, I knew you were good for me, so I let that voice hush 

I don't regret a thing we did, and I hope I never will 

Except I can never replace you, my heart yearns for you still 

I will find someone else, but I wish you were mine until 

I was never good at staying away from you

And if you let me I would stick to you like glue 

Let you hold me close, and never undo 

If you asked me, I wouldn't lie

I'd admit I miss you every night 

And without you a piece of me dies 

If you asked me, I would come clean 

I would kiss you, with each one giving you a piece of me 

I would hold you, and never want you to leave 

You made me so much better than I was before 

You led me out the open door

That let me escape for once and explore 

You broke me out of my shell 

You broke in and rung all of my bells 

You took me to heaven and sent me to through hell 

Still, I love you too much to give up on us 

I don't care what it is, affection or lust 

For from the moment we meant you had my trust 

When you complimented me I never believed you

When you criticized me I wanted to leave you

Now I miss both of those, and have realized I need you

You pushed me to my limits 

You took my fire and dimmed it

And with encouraging words, brightened it  

And when you ignored me I didn't know what to do

I panicked, and tried to keep myself from wanting you 

So I wrote instead, wondering what you would do

So I let myself think of your smile 

I let myself think of all of the whiles 

We spend together, quiet, yet wild 

I knew this wouldn't work from the moment we touched

I knew we wouldn't last from the moment I blushed

Still, I knew you were good for me, so I let that voice hush 

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