Chapter 5

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A/N: Hey guys thanks for coming back, enjoy!

Dan's POV 

It has been about a week since Phil told me how he felt, I know I should have told him I felt the same but I couldn't find the courage to. Aside from that I have been having an existential crisis all week long, ugh. I was lying face-down in my existential crisis spot in the hallway when I heard footsteps, I didn't move though. "Alright enough is enough, let's go," Phil says to me. "Go?, he nods, "go where?" I ask. "Well anywhere really but you have got to get up and do something you have been like this for a week straight... how about we go to the Manchester Eye and hang out today?" "Okay I guess that is better than just laying here all day," I reply. Phil offered me his hand to get off the floor I took it and he pulled me up and almost onto him, I didn't mind. We started walking, yes walking I know, and we talked just like we normally would. Let me tell you I am so glad I know the truth about Phil's feelings and it's not weird, if only I could tell him mine too. 

Phil's POV

 We got to the Manchester Eye, if you don't know what this is it's basically a giant Ferris wheel with little shops around it. Anyway, we got there and the first thing Dan wanted was to go in the shop with a claw machine. We went in and he tried and tried and wasted 3/4 of my coins on it, finally he turns to me with the biggest puppy dog eyes ever and I know exactly whats gonna happen, "Phil can you pretty pretty please get me one, please!" obviously I couldn't say no I mean he is THE CUTEST THING ON PLANET EARTH, so I said "I will try but I can't promise I'm gonna get one and I only have two coins left," you could just see the sadness growing on his face. So I walked to the machine and did what I promised, try. I kept repeating that in my head " try try try"  if Dan wanted it that bad I would make it happen.  I moved the cursor stick until he told me which one he wanted then I hit the GRAB button and hoped as it seemed to reach in slow motion. It grabbed the dinosaur looking thing and took it across to the drop and dropped it. I took the plush and handed it to Dan and he was beaming. I couldn't stop smiling at the fact that I had made Dan that happy. 

Dan's POV

After I made Phil get me a plush from the claw machine we headed to the Ferris wheel. We waited in line for about ten minutes then crawled into a car. It takes about fifteen minutes to get to the top, and then it stops for about ten minutes so the next people can get on. The view tonight was absolutely perfect so Phil and I took it in. Phil grabbed my hand and intertwined his fingers with mine and I did not object. I looked at Phil, into his eyes, then at his lips I couldn't help myself; I pulled him in and kissed him. Our lips synced perfectly, I grazed my tongue over his lips and he opened his mouth and our tongues danced in sync. I had never felt this way during a kiss before, my kiss with Phil was was right. We both pulled away once we felt the car start moving again, but he didn't let go of my hand so I let it there. I expected the rest of the ride to be awkward but it wasn't, probably because we were both so caught up in our thoughts. The Ferris wheel came to a stop and we let go of hands and got off. 

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