The Run Away

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Percy's Pov

I gasped in shock.Everyone had left me for that Kevin guy who just came to camp recently.I was betrayed and forgotten for a person who had done nothing for the camp.

I stared at the happy couple,then wheeled around and just walked.I did not bother staying, as I would just be heartbroken.

Away from my troubles and my home. Away.

Tyson was in atlantis with dad,Nico was patrolling the underworld with his dad,Thalia was off somewhere with the hunt and Grover hated me.(That is a long story...)

I had no purpose here so I walked and walked to the top of the hill, and left.

(Ten Months Later)

I have been fighting monsters all day and all night, trying to escape from my terrible fate, beating hunger and all in all,trying to survive.

Surviving here in the wild is harder than you think, if you are not strong, you may be killed in painful nasty ways.

Zeus' Pov

I announce a Meeting on Olympus.

As all the twelve gods appear and change to their godly forms, Zeus calls out aloud,"We have to find Percy before he decides to overthrow Olympus. Artemis please hunt him down!"he boomed in a dramatic way."But Zeus, you know I hate men," she complained.

"Okay, who wants Artemis to hunt him?"he replied.Then, instantly all hands in the room at the present shot up. "It is decided Artemis will hunt down percy,"he said blankly.

Before she could say a word, they all flashed away, leaving Artemis behind to hunt down Percy.

She grumbled angrily.She set off to hunt percy.

Percy Jackson Son of ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now