#5 When Stars Collide

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S01E05: When Stars Collide

After the chaotic competition last week, the team is now preparing for the ALDC's Annual Showcase AND a Broadway casting agent guy is coming! How exciting! 

I want to start off with the mom's dance number. I know it doesn't happen 'till after but it is just too funny I have to put if first! Abby assigns Cathy to choreograph the number (Later on throughout the season you find out Cathy can't choreograph for poop so she highers professional choreographers to create her student's dances for her. But Abby doesn't know about her lack of skills in this area, yet. So it wasn't her fault...)  During rehearsal the moms and girls switch roles. Moms down practicing in Studio A while the girls are upstairs watching. I think it was Paige that said "I thought my mom said she used a good dancer..." 

The moms had there mini solos in the dance. Holly couldn't come, something about graduation. Melissa did a small grand jeté. Then Kelly did a kick, pretty impressive for a women in her 40's. Christi went on despite her horrible dream of looking like the hippos from Fantasia. Then to top off the mom's dance, Cathy well, she went all 'Cathy'. She did a little improv on the stage making a fool of herself and the other moms too. If I was Kelly, I would have dropped into the splits. She can do them effortlessly and would have stolen all the attention away from Crazy Cathy.. I have to admit, though, I watched that dance more than once. It was just, oh my gosh, I couldn't stop laughing! WHAT DO YOU THINK??? Should the moms stick to being dance moms or should the do more dancing? 

And of course there was the audition. I thought all the girls looked phenomenal, but I felt terrible for Paige. I don't know what exactly happened, but when she started the dance, the music wasn't playing. My guess would be that there was a problem with the stereo or something. Cesar has Paige start the number without the music, but OF COURSE the stereo magically fixes itself in the middle of her routine. The only problem is that the song started from the beginning, but she was already about halfway through the dance. She paused for a second then kept going, but Cesar said he had seen enough. At the beginning of the series, most people thought Chloe was the underdog, but I would definitely say it was (and still is) Paige. I'm not saying that it's always Abby's fault, but it just seems like there is always some sort of problem for Paige, especially in the past few episodes.

Then Mackenzie and Vivi came in, but Mackenzie doesn't want to sing. I don't know why because she is pretty good. Since I can only put up one video in the multi-media thing, here is the link to the video Melissa posted on her YouTube account of Mackenzie singing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uipnCA2yj88. After she leaves Studio A, everyone is upset with her and she starts to cry. Instead of Melissa comforting her and telling her that it's okay to be nervous and it's only her first Broadway audition, Melissa exiles her to the car because she doesn't think it's acceptable for Mackenzie to be crying. Like I said in the previous chapter, Kelly's response to Paige being upset made her one of my favorite mothers. Melissa's response to Mackenzie being upset made her one of my least favorites. Oddly enough, in the current episodes, Melissa is my favorite. Oh how things have changed.

Then of course, there's the recital. Right before the number starts, one of the lollipops breaks. The obvious solution to this problem was to have Maddie dance without a pop; she spends most of the number in the center so that's the only way it would look symmetrical. Obviously, she stood out because she didn't have a pop. To this day, my mom and sister INSIST that the right thing to do would have been to let everyone go onstage without a lollipop because then it would be a level playing field, but I disagree. Obviously it would have been better for the kids individually, but the pops made the number so much more fun! Abby decided to put the number onstage the way it looked best, regardless of what the moms thought, and I agree with her. It's not like she planned for Maddie to not have a pop, it was an accident. Why should the dance have to suffer?

In the end, the only child Cesar was interested in was Maddie. Were all the kids fabulous? Of course they were; if I was Cesar, I would have been interested in all of them. Do I understand that the other kids and moms would be disappointed? Definitely; it's hard to see others get something when you worked just as hard. Do I think that it's Abby's fault? No, honestly I don't.

VOTE if you think Abby sending Maddie onstage without a pop and the rest of the group with one is the reason why Cesar was only interested in Maddie.

*On the multi-media thing on the side is the moms dance number where Cathy takes over. OMG, you HAVE to watch it again! It's too funny! Thanks to @lifetime (YouTube account) for letting me 'borrow' the video.

PUBLISHED: July 29, 2013

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