#1 The Competition Begins

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S01E01 The Competition Begins

First episode of the season, can't be too much complaints...right??? Right. Answering my own question, that's the kind of weird unicorn I am XD

The first week of Dance Moms actually itsn't that bad; if you're comparing it to the "Two Girls, One Solo" episode, that was a nightmare. I think some pro scientist need to dissect Abby's brain and inform the world why she purposely wants to hurt those girls. 

Starting with the infamous Pyramid: I actually didn't mind pyramid in the first few episodes. I know what you're thinking "WHAT???" I actually didn't mind pyramid in the first few episodes. As a dancer (you could apply this to athletes in general) you kind of have an idea where you and your fellow dancers stand, level wise. The pyramid is just a visual to show who, in Abby's eyes, is the best. What is now starting to irritate as the seasons go by is that the pyramid isn't about who danced the best anymore. It's about who's mom kissed Abby's butt the most and who's mom called Abby fat. Abby should get head shots of the moms for pyramid and leave the girls out of it. *IMAGINE* Abby revealing head shots starting with the bottom row. "First on the bottom, Christi! You're here because you said I need a free one month trial to Weight Watchers. Next on the bottom is Kelly because she told me to shove Brooke's crown up my a$$..." and it goes on and on. WHAT DO YOU THINK??? Should the pyramid be changed   to show the moms instead of the girls?

Next thing I shall complain about is Minister Dawn's fight with Abby. I personally thought it was ridiculous Abby actually called the cops. I think that whole drama was just for the show. Seriously, what minister yells at a dance teacher? Oh, and how Maddie was sick. To me, it didn't look like she was that sick. I think the moms made it seem  worse than it actually was. Melissa's pep talk in the bathroom started sounding like she was encouraging Maddie to cry. Also, did you notice that the whole Maddie sick scene was supposed to be for week two? If you look closely they're running the 'Electricity' group number. Dance Moms manipulated that scene and edited it in to something else. If Dance Moms is going to cut and paste scenes here and there they should do a much better job so their viewers won't notice. WHAT DO YOU THINK??? How much (percentage) of Dance Moms do you think is 'set up' or planned? Do you think the fight with Minister Dawn was real? Did you notice that Maddie's sick scene was for week two?

Out of all the thing to complain about in "The Competition Begins" I think it would have to be Chloe's wardrobe malfunction. First of all how irresponsible is Christi and Kelly going to the bar right before Chloe and Paige go on? Although now I am starting to wonder if they even went to the bar before the trio went on. Maybe it's another Dance Moms edit that turned out good... Anyway, I don't blame Chloe or Christi for the headpiece falling, things like that happen all the time. What amazed me was that Chloe stayed calm and never missed a beat, but Abby still freaked on her. In the episode "Tap versus Hip Hop" Maddie's apron started falling but Abby didn't freak on her like she did with Christi and Chloe. If I remember correctly, and I do, Abby says Maddie stayed calm and never missed a beat. Chloe's headpiece practically blinded her and Abby didn't say one positive thing to Chloe about staying on time with the music! What the heck?!?

VOTE if you think some pro scientist need to dissect Abby's brain and inform us what goes on in her brain! 

*On the multi-media thing on the side is the scene where Maddie is sick. Notice how the girls are running the 'Electricity' number. Thanks to @Jenifer Tate (YouTube account) for letting me 'borrow' the video.


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