#3 Cheerleader Blues

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S01E03: Cheerleader Blues

I actually don't have much to complain about. Shocker, no?

The only thing I didn't like was how Abby and the rest of the ALDC team made an effort to come and watch Vivi perform her 'Honey Bee' number when Vivi and Cathy left right after the dance not waiting for the other girls to perform. Not to mention that Cathy went behind Abby's back and changed Vivi's solo to that stupid cowgirl thing. I really despise Cathy. Now each time I watch reruns, I push the mute button when Cathy comes on. I can't stand to hear her, my ears bleed! JK!

To be honest when this first came out I was so eager to get rid of Vivi and Cathy (she doesn't even dance on the same level as the rest of the girls). Now, I kind of feel bad for Vivi. Most of the Dance Moms fandom doens't like her and gives her hate because they don't like Cathy. RAISE YOUR HAND if you just realised that the only reason you don't like Vivi is because of Cathy. I'm raising my hand right now by the way; since I can't see if your hands up or not, let me know in the comment section below.

I loved Brooke in the group dance for this episode. I was really proud that she still danced even if her hips in pain. VOTE if you think Brooke was amazing in this group dance.

*On the multi-media thing on the side is the 'Ups and Downs' group number. Watch Brooke. You can't even tell her hip is bothering her. Thanks to @DanceeMomss (YouTube account) for letting me 'borrow' the video.

PUBLISHED: July 27, 2013

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