Buckbeak Returns

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I woke up, quite tired today. It's 9:30am, Merlin I haven't got used to this. I made my way through the kitchen and ate breakfast alone. Everyone was suprisingly still alseep, and we'll take a mini break of investigation today. When I put my plate on the kitchen sink, I swear I heard hooting. I hurried outside in my pyjamas -no one can see me anyways- and spotted Silver flying towards me and lands at a piece of a nearbye cutted down tree trunk. He nibbled my fingers affectionately as I take off the letter on his feet. I read the front saying:

From: S.S.

I quickly tore open the envelope and unfolded the letter. Then read:

Dear Sarah,
I'm terribly sorry for not replying to your last letter. Anyways, I am going for errands for a week starting now. No one else is missing so far after you left. Also, tell me when you are returning back here at Hogwarts. Again, I really miss you.

Love, Dad


>The Third Person<
Sarah went back to the house just to write back when she heared a familiar sound of a creature. She looked her right, left, down then up and seeing Buckbeak soaring. She waved her hand as he landed in front of her. She checked if she was wearing her necklace and saw it bare on her neck. "Good morning Buckbeak. Any news?" Sarah greeted, bowing. Buckbeak bowed back and answered: "Good morning too, Not really anything happening." He answered. Sarah sat at the grass while Buckbeak laid down, as Sarah patted his feathers. "You look quite charming today" Sarah complimented, Buckbeak had a curl in his beak. "Why, thank you for noticing" he said, sarcasticly. "Buckbeak, when you roam around, do you find anything unsual lately?" Sarah asked, but Buckbeak shook his head.

"Want to go for a walk?" Buckbeak suggested, "sure." And both of them walked. But in a place near the door, Sarah heared voices whispering. Sarah hid behind bush, and pushed some leaves to hear better. "When will the meeting occur?" A man asked, "Tomorrow. Now, you know what to do. I'll see you" another man answered. Sarah looked confused, she went back to Buckbeak who was feasting on some berries. "Come on, Buckbeak, we should head back." Sarah ordered, "wanna ride on me? We've walked pretty far" He asked, "pleasure".

Both of them flew back to the tent, then when it turned 10:00am, Buckbeak went back to Hogwarts. "And where have you been?" Rose asked as she burst out of nowhere, with her arms crossed. "I woke up and saw you weren't in your bed an hour ago." she added, Sarah rolled her eyes, "None of your buisness, Rose. Anywho, we'll take a break of investigating so we can jumble up our thoughts of where the students might be" Sarah replied. They both went inside the tent, seeing the others finished with their food. "So, what are we gonna do?" Albus asked, "well, first we're not leaving the tent today. We're gonna put the pieces together of this puzzle, plus, tomorrow, we're gonna go through that door.

The whole day they discussed about where the students might be, and the number one suspect had to be the door. "Wait, Sarah, you know all of these people right? Like friends?" Rose asked, I nodded, she had that weird expression. "I knew it! They took them, because they knew you! Remember the Death Eaters took you? Well, that day, we were with you so nobody can take us, but the students were in a private place!" she explained, Merlin that sounded like sense. "Oh dear Merlin, you have a point Rose!" Albus complimented, Rose smiled arrogantly. "Okay, tomorrow we are gonna go through that door in case their there. Clear?", all of them nodded and remained silent. "Okay, I think we should better pack" Sarah suggested, then all went to their bedrooms to prepare for the next day.

Sarah brought her Hippogriff necklace, some potions and a rope she found lying around. She put it all in a pouch with a charm to make it bigger than it seems. When they were all finished, they ate dinner quietly, "weird isn't it? We're retrieving the students, kids? Even the Ministry can't find a clue" Albus said, grinning. "Well, I can't believe it myself" James responded. Everybody had a good sleep, all except Sarah, she was having one of those nightmares again.
"Dad help!" Sarah cried, she was falling over a cliff. One of her hands slipped as Snape's arm tried to reach her. All of a sudden, a Death Eater pulled out his wand, pointed it at Snape and shouted "AVADA KEDAVRA!"

Sarah woke up panting, she was sweating too. She looked around, it was pitch black. She went outside and went to the bay. It was really cold and windy outside, she stared at Hogwarts imagining chaos, but shook it off. When she felt something on her shoulder, it was Silver. "Silver! What are you doing here?" she whisper-shouted, "I looked for you" Silver replied, Sarah remembered that she was wearing her necklace. When it was nearly midnight, Sarah headed back to the tent with Silver behind her. "I hope this works"

Sarah Lily SnapeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant