Medic X Confused!Reader

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For Anybody who feels like reading. It's been awhile since I wrote about my favorite doctor, so yeah. Imma write this.

You felt like crying. Out of nine men in the base, you fell for the one who was already married; yes, the Medic. You scolded yourself for being so stupid, and yet everytime you see him, that inner voice in your head is blocked out with hopes and fantasies of you getting to spend even just a little time with him. Your sense dies away at the sight of him, although sometimes, you catch yourself before going a bit too far.

You, afraid of what the others might think, told nobody of your affections to the doctor. (Y/N), he's a sadistic person, who knows what he'll do to you you thought at one time, to which the opposing side replied, yes, but he's very nice to you, have you noticed that? Come on, just give him a chance!

He's married!

His wife is gone!

How can you even think of such things?! You make it sound like a game! Have you no shame man?

And this will just go on and on. You were so close to yelling at yourself, and everytime, you knew you had to hold it in; no suspicion whatsoever shall befall upon you. It would just sour your relationship with the mercs and it'll just distract you from your job.
It was one of the joys of being you.

Usually, during these internal battles, you were emotionally overwhelmed, and so you'd go to the only person who you knew can help with the situation. Stopping at one of the doors in the base, you knocked three times before a familiar face met yours.

"(Y/N)? W-what are ye doin' here, lass?"

Yup. It was Demo. The guy who gives you his secret family liquor like there was no tomorrow. The guy who was always nice enough to let you chill in his room; the same one he's been using to make his bombs and that crap. The guy who is being underestimated by people because he's mostly drunk: well guess what, you'd say to them, he's smarter than most of you- he makes his own bombs and does it with one eye...sometimes even drunk- he could be a fucking scientist!
Yes, you had a high respect for him...and high respect for that liquor.

"Hey Demo..." you said quietly, "you got know- the usual?"

He sighed. "If I hadn't known anything, I woulda thought you lost yer way to the bar!"

He opened the door to let you in. You hesitated no moment and seemingly skipped inside. Oh well, you thought, let the fun begin.

Medic's POV

I heard the sound of (Y/N) and Demo laughing upstairs. These sessions of theirs seem to be getting more and more frequent; before, (Y/N) would come to me almost everyday, but nowadays, it seems as if she's holding herself back from me. We rarely talked, even in battle, bothers me greatly.

What am I doing wrong?

Deciding that enough was enough, I slammed my journal close, got up, and walked briskly towards the room making all that ruckus.


You were drunk as hell would allow it. You slurred the most incomprehensible gibberish, which was your thanks to Demo, walked out, and never turned back to shut the door close.

As you trudged through the halls, all you could think about was reaching your room without stumbling on anything. So you walked, tripped a bit, walked again, nearly threw up, tried to run and finally bumped into someone.


Shit. Oh hell no...fuck...

You recognized the voice you so tried to forget, smelled the scent that enticed you to be close to him before, and felt the hands that made you shudder at the contact.

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