Things to be happy about

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1. People love you
2. You don't even have to try to be smart, you already are
3. You sing good
4. Melanie Martinez
5. One Direction
6. You get presents
7. You are getting better
8. You are going to Spain with your friends
9. You're going to Mexico
10. You got through all the shit you went through
11. All those times you thought you couldn't go on, you did or else you wouldn't be here
12. When you tried to commit suicide, you didn't die, and that's a sign to stay
13. You have nice clothes, shoes and exessories
14. You have a house
15. You can draw good
16. You help people
17. You're kind
18. Times won't always be hard
19. This pain will stop
20. You're strong
21. No one can judge you
22. You can do what you want, as long as it makes you happy
23. Don't force yourself to be someone else just to make others happy
24. One day you'll meet the one
25. You will travel the world
26. You will become an actress
27. You made someone's day today

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