Chapter ❹ - Family (rewritten)

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Author's Note: I got my bum in gear and got me some motivation and inspiration, and an Amelia. The Amelia Ryzhkova to be exact. She has been a huge support. Thank you for that, my sweet hummingbird. (̂ ˃̥̥̥ ˑ̫ ˂̥̥̥ )̂

I adjusted the chapters to my new concept.

You do not need a key. There will be '(name), (colour)' and the like.

Recommendation: Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries (series) – quite intriguing

Have fun, my ducklings and duckbutts.


I gave names to your parents, sorry. Frankly, it is because it was more manageable. I gave your father a Latin and your mother a Greek name, which are widely used, yet rare. I hope you are okay with the names.

Delta Lionel Duncan (mother)

Emil Brutus Duncan (father)

(name) Niki or Thetis Duncan (you)

I will refer to your father as Emil and Brutus.

I have my reasons for that.


I know I said this would have plot progress, but I counted wrong. This is passive-progressive and a bit of a filler. I devoted some time to figure out the next chapter's layout and plotline, which, thanks to Amelia, was done very quickly.

We also devoted ninety minutes to figure out some of the future chapters. We have invested a lot of time and work in this story and we will invest even more. (Okay, we may have sidestepped into political discussions a few times during those ninety minutes, but yeah...)


24th of January 14:13

It had just started to snow when he parked the car. He had driven his daughter to her personal Sunday martial arts practice and had just returned after he watched the start of it.

He went to look for his wife and found her in the glass house in the garden with some chai tea and Walkers' shortbread. How very usual for her.

"Hon' I have something to talk to you about." Emil started and sat down on the couch beside his wife, which gave him a serious look. "It is nothing serious." He clarified and laughed as his wife calmed down.

Emil took out his phone and showed a photo from a husky mongrel to his wife. He received the photo from his daughter, as he requested, just an hour ago.

She took a moment to properly look at the photo, before she handed the phone back and stared at him expectantly.

"Our daughter would like to adopt this cute fella. She found him in the park, brought him to the vet and has bonded with him ever since. She even named him." Emil explained and afterwards reiterated some points his daughter had made.

She responded in sign language, as was usual. Delta was not mute, nor did she have any speech impediments, but she had her reasons for her use of sign language. She spoke at work, but her family accepted her desire to not talk.

She was in therapy for it as well, but progress was slow.

"She is second best in school and she is committed to her hobbies. I do think she deserves her own companion." Emil continued with a small smile. "We both know the pugs and her do not get along. I think it would be great for her to have her very own canine friend."

Delta looked a little bit more convinced, but she still had her doubts. "Do you personally think of it as a good idea or do you consider it because she asked?" Delta spoke up, which was unusual for her at home, but Emil was used to her haphazard changes in behaviour.

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