Chapter Eleven

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Delirious's POV

He starts to walk passed me, but I stop him. "Hey.."

He turns.

"I understand where you're coming from, but I believe this girl. She's different. You'll see."

He stands there for a second, then nods his head. He turns back around and walks back into my room.

I stand in the living room a while longer, thinking over our whole conversation. I just wish he understood. Then I hear a knock on the door. I walk to my room. "Vanoss, someone's at the door." Immediately, he follows me. It's a rule in this house that at least one other person accompanies you when answering the door. For safety reasons. We will take every precaution possible. You kind of have to when you're hated by every single gang in this city.

We get to the door, and everyone assembles in the living room, watching. I look to Vanoss, and he nods. I look through the peephole, and the guy looks familiar, and he has a few other men with him. I'm about to open the door, when I'm tapped on the shoulder. It's Stacey. She hands me my mask. I quickly glance at Vanoss, and I think he is shocked by her action. He didn't even notice that I have my mask off. Well he did, but he didn't think of me putting it back on.

I put it on, and she joins everyone else in the living room. I cautiously open the door.

"Can I help you guys?" I ask them, but they walk right passed me. The guy in the middle walks up to Stacey.

"Why are you with them?" He calmly asks.

"Why do you care?" She asks sternly.

He smacks her across the face, and she falls to the floor. I know why he brought the other guys, to hold all us back because we wanted to kill him. Then it suddenly hits me. This guy is Charlie. The same guy that killed Jordan and tried to rob the bank.

"Hey! Leave her alone!" I yell at Charlie.

He turns, leaving Stacey on the floor. "Why? She belongs to me and my gang."

"You don't deserve a great and talented girl like her." I spit back at him. He gives me a dirty look.

"And what makes you think you and your gang deserve her?"

"We would give her her freedom. We wouldn't hit her and make her scared of us. We'd let her do anything she would want and let her go anyplace she wanted. We wouldn't trap her and keep her confined. We would let her go out on missions and contribute to the team. We'd all train together instead of separately. And most of all, we'd have fun. We wouldn't make her stay in her room and waste her life. We'd make her life worth living again."

I see Stacey in the floor, tears in her eyes. But not from pain. From happiness. She wants to join us, but it's like it's against the law for her to.

He sees me looking at her, and he turns to her. He goes to her, and picks her up. She struggles in his arms to break free, but it's no use.

"If you follow us, if you try to kidnap and take her back, we will find her, and we will kill her. Understood?"

He stares at me. I'm boiling mad at this point. They all leave the apartment, with Stacey.

I guess my anger is showing because Vanoss comes up to me and puts a hand on my shoulder. "Calm down bud. We'll get her back."

I give him the 'are you stupid?' look. "You heard him. If we try anything, they'll kill her."

"Not if we kill them first." He responds.

"But.. Wouldn't we be breaking our code?" Wildcat chimes in.

"Our code is to not kill innocents. Are they innocents to you?" Basically finishes for Vanoss.

"Look. We plan on getting her back, but we don't have a plan. Anyone have any ideas?" MacKenzie asks.

"Wait. You guys are okay with doing this?" I ask. They all nod. I turn to Vanoss. "We literally just had a fight over this girl staying with us, and now you want to rescue her?"

"After our fight, I started thinking. If she was really apart of that gang, she would've at least tried to kill one of us in our sleep by now. She wouldn't have saved our asses in the bank. And most importantly, her gang members wouldn't have thrown her into the wall as hard as they did and risk injury and not know it was her. They would've known it was her and went easy on her. But the biggest game changer: your mask. She knew that all of our identities are secret, and she handed you your mask. So yes. I want her apart of this gang, for multiple reasons, Delirious. Not just for your happiness."

I smile. "Thanks man."

"No problem."

"Uh, actually, HUGE problem." Mini states.

"We still need to figure out how and when to do this." Lomasi says.

We start brainstorming, and hopefully, we will save Stacey.

Stacey's POV

"Let me down!" I pound on Charlie's back.

"You've been a bad girl lately, Stacey, and frankly, I'm sick and tired of it. You're gonna be apart of this gang whether you like it or not. That's final." He says.

"Fine. Just let me down." He does as I ask, and I walk to the truck that's parked out front.

"Hey, everyone. I want to talk to her alone, so take another ride home please. We'll be home in a little bit." Everyone either doubles or triples up in the cars that they brought, walk home, or call a cab. He opens the passenger door. "Get your no-good, trouble-making ass in, now."

I don't hesitate. I get in the seat, and he closes the door. He walks around to driver's side, gets in and starts the truck up.

"You know I'm very disappointed in you. You are apart of this gang and you abandoned us. You're gonna show me your loyalty, if you still are loyal. We're gonna do a little side mission. Just you and me."

"What is it?"

"We're gonna steal some money from some no-good meth heads. And we're gonna blow up their lab in the process."

Okay. Not so bad I guess. But little does he know that I know that Vanoss and them are gonna rescue me. And I have a plan of my own for when that happens.


Hey guys. I'm not sure if any of you are still reading this, but if you are, thank you. I really appreciate your patience. I'm sorry for not really updating. I love to write, but I'm also taking a college class through Drury, and college credit classes at my school. I'm trying hard to get everything done for the very few that still read this. Thank you guys.

Anyways, thank you all so much for reading, and I will see you.. In the next chapter... BYYEE!!!!!

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