Chapter Five

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Stacey's POV

I scale buildings all the way to the bank. When I get there, I jump onto the roof of the bank. I enter through the air duct, and slowly and quietly make my way to where the action is at.

I finally see the entrance, and see someone holding a gun towards people against a wall as hostages. I continue and look through another vent opening, and I see... Charlie? What is he doing robbing the bank?! I guess that's why I didn't see him when I went to my apartment. Oh, who am I kidding? I didn't even pay attention to all who was there, so how could I have known if he was gone or not? Anyways, I see him stuffing a black duffle bag full of cash.

Just as I'm about to bust through the vent, some familiar people beat me to it. But they burst through the door. The Vanoss Crew.. And there's Delirious! He has a gun in his hand, covering Vanoss's back. He just so happens to look up, and sees me in the vent. Lucky for me, he recognizes me, and shook his head, indicating for me not to come out. I'm not sure if he meant to not come out at all, or wait and see what happens. I'm gonna go with the second choice.

Just then, two men came in, and shoved Vanoss and Delirious against the wall. They were now hostages as well, and I presume that the rest of the gang is too out in the entrance area. I can hear Charlie talk to them.

"So.. Looks like we have the upper hand, don't we? Even though we don't have that slut with us right now, we still have defeated you."

Slut..? I gain tears, but I know I have to help them out. Vanoss and Delirious, not Charlie. I start to slowly turn the screws on the vent door, so I can get out without being heard.

"You know she's the best in your gang." Delirious says to him, to which the guy holding him to the wall responds with shoving his head more into the wall to where he can't speak. I get the first screw out, and start to work on the second one.

"You just won't admit it." Vanoss finishes his thought for him, to which the guy holding him gives the same response at Delirious's. Two screws down, two to go.

While I'm working with the screws, I smile at what they said. I'm not sure how Vanoss knows me, probably from Delirious, but it just makes me happy. That both of them stood up for me. Three screws out and done.

While I work on the fourth screw, Charlie continues stuffing money in the bag, and boasting on how 'he has finally defeated The Vanoss Crew.' What a moron.

I finally get the last screw out, and quietly move the vent door out of the way. I carefully set it down behind me, and jump down without making a sound. Charlie is still packing the money, so he's facing away from me. And, of course, the guards can't see me because they're preoccupied with Vanoss and Delirious. I go for them first so I can have some back up.

I hit the man that's holding Delirious first, and he looses his grip on Delirious, so he's able to get free. I help Vanoss, while Delirious goes for Charlie. I don't even pay attention to him because I'm so worried about Vanoss. I knock Vanoss loose from his guy, when I'm thrown across the room, I'm assuming by the guy who held Delirious. I hit my head hard, and I don't know what happened after that.

Delirious's POV

As soon as I'm away from the guy that was holding me against the wall, I go for the guy that has been stashing all the cash. I tackle him to the ground, and give him a few good swings.

"I think my partner is right. Maybe that 'slut' IS the best in your gang." I say, trying to add horror in my voice. I think I succeeded, because he had a look of terror. But then it changed. He flipped us over, and punched my mask a few good times. He stops and says, "I don't think so."

Just then, I hear a loud bang. I look over to my left, and see Stacey, out cold. She must've been thrown into the wall. I know how far away the walls are from each other, and it's pretty far, so for her to make that loud of a bang from that distance, she must've been thrown pretty hard. I get steaming mad, and throw the guy off me, getting on him, and punching him a few more times.

"If I were you, I wouldn't mess with me when I'm mad. And I'm pretty pissed. So the smart thing to do would be to leave."

He gets the terrified look again, and surprisingly, I let him go. He gets up.

"Come on guys. Let's get through the back way." He says to his two body guards. I'm pretty sure he told the ones in the entrance part of the bank through an earpiece. They all left without the money, and I go to Stacey, to see if she's alive. She's still breathing. Good. I noticed when I seen her in the vent that she's wearing a mask, and getting a better view of it now, it looks pretty cool.

I turn to Vanoss. "You alright dude?"

"Yeah. She helped, though. As much as she could until she was thrown like a rag doll. Is she still breathing?"

I nod. "Yeah. What do we do?"

He shrugged. He thought for a second. "Let's take her home. I'm sure Lui can fix her up. And remind me later to thank her for saving our asses."

I laugh slightly. "Okay." I go over to her, and gingerly take her into my arms. She's so light. No wonder why she went flying about fifteen feet.

We walk out I to the entrance part, and see everyone a little banged up. Nothing severe, thankfully. When they seen me carrying Stacey, they all gave us confused looks.

"We'll explain later. Now, let's just get home. Lui, you need to see if she's alright. She was thrown hard into the wall." Vanoss says to everyone.

They all nod, and we go outside, being bombarded with news reporters and cameras. Vanoss heads to the new chief of police, who happens to now be Trevor, while we wait for him in the crew vehicle, that's surrounded with said reporters and cameras. After he's done explaining everything to Trevor, he gets in the drivers seat, and we head home.


Hey guys. Sorry for the lack of updates recently. My family was in for the week, and I wanted to spend time with them. I'm also rewriting my books in notebooks, in case wattpad decides to delete my books like it's done to other people in the past. I thought I would update tonight though so you guys didn't think I was dead or something. I'll admit though, I really like this chapter for some reason..

Anyways, thank you all so much for reading, and I will see you.. In the next chapter... BYYEE!!!!!

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