Chapter Seven

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Delirious's POV

We all look to Lui.

"Well.." Lui says. Oh no.. That's not good.. "It bruised her neck, her back and the back of her head pretty good. But as far as I can see, no severe injuries. I gave her some sleeping medication, so she won't wake up until maybe tomorrow afternoon. Her healing should go faster with her asleep too."

I sigh a sigh of relief. I'm so glad she will be okay.

"So how long do you think it'll take for her to recover?" Marcie asks.

"A good week or two, at the least. I can't be for sure." Lui responds. He goes into the kitchen, and hugs Lomasi tightly.

I smile at the two. I knew they were meant for each other ever since they first met. Sparks just immediately ignited. Lomasi had a sparkle in her eyes, and Lui wouldn't stop talking about her after that. They were shy around each other, but they eventually got to where they could talk to each other without shying away. Then Lui, being the little sly devil he is, asked Lomasi out on a date in the cutest and most romantic way possible. Now they're one of the happiest couples in Los Santos.

Lui lets go and lets Lomasi tend to the food she and the other girls are now preparing in the kitchen. He heads for the living room, to which all us guys are in. He sits down beside me. "So, what did I miss?" He says in his squeaker voice, making us all laugh.

"Well, for starters, Delirious is falling hard for this chick." Wildcat says. Typical.

Lui looks at me, and I repeat basically everything that was said earlier.

He says, "Atta boy, Delirious!" Then he whispers in my ear, "If you want to go see her, go ahead."

"Thanks Lui," I whisper back.

I get up, and walk to my room. While I'm in the hallway, I slow down. I walk slowly, to make sure not to wake her, even though she's on sleeping medication, I don't want to take any chances. I enter my room, and see her laying on her side, towards the door. She looks so peaceful. Her eyes flutter, like she's dreaming. I smile, and sit down in my gaming chair. I go on my computer, to see how my channel's doing, then shut it down. I turn around, and see her still sleeping, of course. I take my notepad, and write.

I write down things that I wouldn't be able to say out loud. I write down my feelings. I write, and write. I sign it, then, I tear it out, crumple it up, and throw it away in the trash can. It's useless to think she would like me. Why would she? I'm a guy in a hockey mask. I'm a guy that wears clown makeup. I'm a psychotic human being. No one loves me..

I get up, get some clothes, and decide to take a shower.

Stacey's POV (Inside Her Dream)

I wake up in a bed. I hurt all over. I don't know why either. The bed I wake up in is in a dark room with a lamp on a nightstand right beside me. I get out of bed, despite the pain, and walk around, looking for a light switch. No luck.


"OVER HERE!" I hear a voice yell to my right. I turn, and see another bed. I see a guy standing beside it, just as confused about all this as I am. As soon as he turns, I realize it's Delirious.

We walk towards each other, and the closer we get, the less pain I feel, and the scenery goes from a dark and scary room, to a flowery meadow. We finally meet, and all the pain is gone and the scenery is in full bloom. We hug each other tightly.

"I love you Stacey.." He says.

"I love you too Delirious." I respond, obviously over joyed. I couldn't be happier right now.

Then I remember, this is a dream. I could be happier. I could be happier if this actually happened. In the real world. Where everything is possible and nothing is impossible.

I want to wake up, but this is perfect. I know that when I wake up, I'm going to feel a lot of pain. But I also know that, if I don't wake up, then this, won't be able to happen in the real world.

But I can't wake up. I try and I can't. Something's keeping me from waking up at the moment.

Please, go away soon, so my dream, can be turned into a reality.. Hopefully..


Hey guys.. I'm sorry I haven't updated.. I've decided to keep going on this story.. Even though only like, three of you are actually reading this.. Thank you guys..

Anyways, thank you all so much for reading, and I will see you... In the next chapter.. BYYEE!!!!!

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