Chapter Fourteen

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The bus pulled to a stop in front of the large palace. People were still walking inside and they stopped at the door to verify they were supposed to be there.

People from all backgrounds were there. Girls much more beautiful than myself were lined up at the door in dresses that had straps and skin exposed all over. It brought me back to wondering why I was here in the first place.

All types of vehicles were in line to pull in front of the door. Including my pumpkin of a bus. I knew it was ostentatious and not in the extravagant way either. It was sticking out like a sore thumb in the midst of limousines and other expensive foreign vehicles.

Amy helped me out of the bus and the second my feet hit the gravel, there was no turning back. I leaned in and gave Annie a hug and thanked her again. Regardless if I enjoyed myself or not, she deserved a thanks. Her blue eyes glistened in the moonlight and she reminded me that I had until midnight or I had to face Jenna's wrath. I nodded and turned around as she climbed back into the bus.

There were many steps leading up to the double doors and I only made it halfway before I ran into the end of the line. My hands grew sweaty and I fidgeted with the invite as I waited impatiently.

The line went surprisingly fast and soon I was in front of the Royal family's security detail. The balding man had a tablet in hand and he looked like he could have me, or a man twice his own size, pinned on the floor in seconds. I gulped.

"Name?" he asked tersely.

"Emma Adams." I held up my invite for some unknown reason.

He seemed to have found my name on the list because his head snapped up and his eyes met mine. "Pardon me, Ms. Adams. I will alert the Prince that you have arrived." He reached for a discreet microphone and ear piece.

"Oh, no. Please don't. It's quite all right." I didn't want him to know I was here yet. I still wanted the chance to leave.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Adams, but orders are orders. It says here to alert the family when you and Beatrice Cole arrive."

Deep down, I knew that arguing with this man wouldn't help. If I pushed it too far then I would end up on the curb instead of inside. "Fine. Can I go in?"

He held up a finger as he muttered into his invisible mic. Once he was finished, he turned his attention to me. "Yes, you may."

I nodded my head in appreciation. "Thank you."

I wasn't prepared for what I saw when I walked through the large French doors. The long corridor was decorated in the flag's colors and it reminded me of everything I had seen on television, movies, and read about in books. Every ten feet or so, a guard was stationed. Their eyes were blank stares straight ahead and unwavering. All armed and ready for any emergency.

My heels clicked along the marble flooring and the sound of hundreds of people talking and an orchestra grew louder as I continued down the hall. I felt very alone and vulnerable as I walked towards the giant archway that lead into an even larger ballroom.

The entrance to the ballroom lead right onto a balcony where you could see everyone milling about and dancing. People split into two directions, choosing the left or right staircase down to the ballroom floor. I hesitated at the top and looked over the ocean of a room.

People milled and talked at the edges of the room. A few tables were set up for anyone to sit at and rest their feet. Already, some people were already taking advantage of them. In the middle, a few dozen couples were dancing already. Most people were watching the brave few that were dancing right now.

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