"You know, being a woman has it's perks. A maiden's beauty possesses a spirit pure enough to not give in to power, or to lust."

"We at lobelia have had quiet enough of all the oppressive male contempt for woman-kind!"

"And, our pride at lobelia comes from having meaningful relationships based on equality, because we're the same sex. And, yes; that includes relationships of love."

"Hold on, " I said. "First off, Men aren't the only ones who give in to power and lust. Women do that too. Secondly, If you think that women are superior in every way, then why is it that you dress like a boy to show same sex relationships? And thirdly, you're asking me to join your school when I have no idea who you are!"

"My my, you are intelligent. My name is Benio Amakusa, but you can call me Benibara." The tall one said.

"My name is Chizuru Maihara, but you can call me Suzuran." The long hair girl said.

"And my name is Hinako Tsuwabuki, but you can call me Hinagiku" The short one said with a big smile on her face.

"So, will you be joining our school?" Benibara asked. The hosts held their breath.

"I thought I made it clear before, no." I said.

"Oh what a shame, such a shame!" Benibara said in a over dramatic fashion.

"How about this, you seem like a confident person, so how about if we beat you at any one of the rounds, you have to come to lobelia and join the Zuka club!" Hinagiku said.

"Fine, you're on!" I said. Everyone looked at me in shock, like I just blew up Japan. What? I don't back down from a challenge. Especially if it's from people who think they're better than everyone else.

"Well then I guess it's settled, see you tomorrow." Benibara said. The girls then proceeded to walk out.

"Y/N, WHAT DID YOU DO?!?!??!" Tamaki yelled shaking me.

"THE ZUKA CLUB HAS BEEN BEATING US FOR 9 YEARS NOW!!!!!!!!!" The twins said. Everyone started freaking out.

"CAN YOU SHUT UP FOR 10 SECONDS!?!??!!" I screamed. Everyone stopped.

"The reason I made the bet was because I hate stuck up people with giant egos and only care about themselves. And besides, even I lose, I'll lose with pride" I said. Everyone cheered.


Time Skip

"Welcome to the 10th school contests!!" The announcer said.

I was back stage with Amy, Renge, and the host club.

"Alright Y/N, you've got this!" The twins said, cheering me on.

"Yeah Y/N-chan, you're gonna beat the living daylights out of those Zuka club jerks!" Honey said. That was surprisingly dark for honey, and I can tell that everyone else agrees.

"What?" Honey asked.

"Nothing." I said.

"AWW, MY DAUGHTER IS ALL GROWN UP!!! Look at her, about to take the stage!!!" Tamaki said, glomping me.

Since we need 3 competitors on our team, I asked Renge and Amy to help me. As the rest of the club left, Amy told me, "Whatever happens, I'll be by your side."

"Thanks!" I said smiling.

We took our places on stage. I turned my head to the Zuka club, who winked at me.

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