
July 30th 2008

In Harry's backyard, there was a large, swinging couch with a canopy above it, right in the corner surrounded by a lovely garden bed that Anne liked to keep with colourful flowers and leafy bushes.

On that particular sunny afternoon, Harry and Louis were curled up on the loveseat, Harry's head of curls splayed on Louis' lap as the older boy ran his fingers through his hair.

Louis sighed, frowning as he tried to figure out the best way to bring up the subject. He knew Harry would be upset. He knew he could get mad. And he knew that it was going to change everything. He didn't want to tell him. But he had to.

"What's wrong, Lou?" Harry said, catching Louis off guard. His eyes were still closed as Harry laid there, and Louis didn't quite know how the boy could sense when he was feeling down.

"Nothing, love." Louis reassured him, but still he felt weird. He needed to tell him, but he didn't want to ruin their perfect day.

"Lou-" Harry asked as he sat up, turning so he was facing his boyfriend. Louis took his hands and shook his head.

"Kiss me, H." He asked, willing his tears away. He didn't want to make Harry upset.


"Kiss me." He asked again, his voice cracking a little, and who was Harry to deny him that?

So Harry leant forward, his hands gripping Louis' thighs as he pressed his mouth to Louis, kissing him sweetly.

"Now," He whispered as he leant back, looking at the older boy with worry. "What's the matter?"

"I have to tell you something, Curly." Louis said, biting his lip as Harry nodded.

"Okay." He said. "So tell me."

Louis took a deep breath, his eyes scrunching closed as he tried to find the words, while Harry waited patiently.

The younger boy watched with a pained expression, wondering what on earth could be hurting his love so much, that he was scared to tell him something.

Louis always told Harry everything, so why was this any different?

Louis let out his breath and brought his eyes to Harry's, covering his hand with his own.

"I'm leaving, H." Louis choked out, bracing himself for Harry's response. It was quiet for a moment, Harry's face softening from concern, to pain.

"W-What?" He whispered, instinctually leaning away while Louis tried to hold him close by the hands. "Don't- Don't joke with me, Lou."

"Harry, love, please listen to me." Louis begged as Harry's eyes began to fill with tears.

"W-What do you mean, you're leaving?" Harry stuttered, trying to search his mind for an answer, but the only one he could find was sitting in front of him, a lone tear running down his soft cheek.

"Mum and me and the girls... we're moving away." Louis said. "I tried, Harry. I tried so hard to convince her to stay, but..."

"Are you breaking up with me?" Harry whined, removing his hands to wrap them around his body. "Cause I don't want-"

"No," Louis shook his head, bringing a hand behind his neck to pull their foreheads together. "I'm never breaking up with you. It's only 2 hours away. I'll visit all the time, I promise."

I Know You, Lou // l.s.Where stories live. Discover now