Chapter 20

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Ben lunged forward, nails lengthening rapidly –

"Ariel!" Lucas' arm shot out and blocked Ben's attack. Grabbing her, he shoved her behind him as Ben jumped back, preparing to lung again. Lucas' shoulders rose, his chest expanding, and he roared.

Ariel gasped at the noise. She'd never heard something so animalistic come from Lucas' mouth before. It echoed through the trees and she swore the water on top of the pond rippled with the after effects. Lucas panted heavily, a low growl rippling through his body in warning.

It was enough to deter Ben, who shrunk back, teeth bared. His clothing ripped as he bent his body, his spine arching in defense. Growling, on all fours, he spun around and took off into the wilding.

"Ben, wait!" Ariel started to run after him.

"Are you an idiot? Lucas growled, pulling her back. "You can't just run after him!"

"We can't let him just run off," Ariel snapped. "He might come across other people."

Lucas tightened his grip when she started to struggle. "You need to go back to the house and tell the Doc what's happened."

"What about Ben?" Fear coursed through her system. "He's probably scared out of mind!"

"I will go after Ben. You get back to the house, now. You can't do anything for him like this. Now go, I need to catch up to him before he gets too far."

Shoving her away, he raced off in the direction Ben had disappeared.

"Home, home..." spinning around, she took off back towards the house. Twice she stumbled on the uneven ground, the knees of her pants and her palms landing heavily on the ground each time

She kept looking back, hoping that Lucas would be behind her, carrying Ben, but it was wishful thinking. What had happened to him was strange. She didn't understand how he had just turned into a werewolf like that. If that was even what he was...

The house came into view and she tore through the garden, her lungs tight as she sucked in oxygen desperately. Not slowing down, she crashed into the back door, fumbling with the doorknob.

"Come on, come on!"

It finally turned and not bothering to close it, she ran straight to the Doc's office and threw the door open.

The Doc stared at her with surprise from his usual chiar. Kestral was standing with her back to the door and Ariel's eyes widened.

Large silvery wings were hanging limply from Kestral's back. Parts of them were black, like they had been burnt. The outer margins were torn and frayed. They looked more skeletal than faery.

Kestral wrapped her arms around her chest, though she was still wearing a black singlet. "Get out!"

"Eyes on me, Ariel." The Doctor's sharp tone broke through her shock, and her gaze snapped back to him. "Would you mind telling me why you have barged in here?"

She paled, hating herself for forgetting even for an instant why she was there. "It's Ben!" She gasped. "I don't know what happened; he was in pain, then he started growing fur and he turned into this werewolf –"

The colour drained from Doc's face in an instant. "No," he whispered. "It can't be."

"It did, I swear," she tried to motion for him to go outside. "Lucas chased after him. He headed into the wildling –"

"He was outside?" The Doc's voice grew sharp. "Why were you outside?"

"I promised him..." Tears stung her eyes. The excuse sounded lame in her ears now.

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