Nineteenth, Twentieth, and Twenty-First

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The states had been driven out of their treehouse and decided to split up. The thirteen colonies had split up into one group, promising to meet up at the treehouse later.

"Alright," Cliff said. "We've got to outrun these zombies. Now everyone take out one bullet from your own gun and save it, in case you need it for yourself."

"That's a plan," Carter agreed. "We can't end up being attacked by our own friends."

A scream and a loud cracking sound echoed right next to Carter. "TAELYN!"

Swiveling around to see, the others saw Taelyn's shoulder bleeding heavily from the bite of the zombie next to her. Carter instantly put a bullet through its head and hurried to his fiancée's side. ""

The Georgian girl leaned against his chest, breathing heavily. "C-Carter..." she stammered. "Stay alive...for me...stay alive..."

"I-I can't," he whispered. "Not without are my life Taelyn..."

She put her gun to her temple. "Find a new one," she whispered. "Don't mourn me for too long."

Georgia pulled the trigger and Carter sobbed loudly, hating everything that had caused this.

"CARTER WATCH OUT!" Carter felt a hard shove and looked behind him to see his sister get bitten clean through her upper arm.

He registered what had happened, but he couldn't react, he just watched in horror as she quickly shot herself, dying on the spot.

Another strangled cry escaped from Cliff, who instantly shot the zombie that had killed her.

And suddenly, a bright light filled the night as Jay returned, with the X-Men and Jesus-

"Wait a fucking second!" Caroline yelled. "In your little story I die? Come on! I wouldn't die that early!"

"It's my story," Pennsylvania snapped. "I killed Max first."

"Too emotional," Max said. "But I'm glad I was first."

"You're always first to me," Emma whispered. "I love you."

"Shut up Emma."

Caroline rolled her eyes. "I wouldn't die."

Cliff hugged her. "Good. No dying. I forbid it."

Emmett leaned back in his chair. "I'm glad I survived as long as I did," he said. "But who the fuck sends a blind guy on a patrol?"

"Carter does," Ben said.

"Did you have to kill both my sisters in one shot?" Cliff snarled.

"This is why Pennsylvania doesn't lead meetings," Melanie said. "Meeting dismissed. Let's go home."

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