Ninth Through Sixteenth

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"From now on, everyone will patrol in groups of eight or more," Carter said. "There is safety in numbers. I want a food patrol of Judy, Alatna, Marianne, Emmett, Jeff, Gabe, Harper, and Marissa."

Marissa came barreling through the foliage and scaled the first tree she could find. "They're coming!" she called from the top, totally out of breath. "They got everyone else! I'm the last one left!"

The small camp quickly took their places high in trees as a hoard came through. A convenient fact was that zombies didn't look up. That was, unless attention was attracted.

Everyone was still and quiet, waiting for the small group to pass. Blood pounded through Florida's ears as flashbacks of what she had witnessed played through her head. Judy shooting the already zombified Jeff and then herself, Gabe being dismembered by the ravenous undead before she took him out, and Harper's pleading gaze as she tripped and was attacked, begging Marissa to shoot her.

The hoard dispersed and Marissa climbed down from the tree and up to the treehouse, finding a spot to curl up.

Caroline had been growing more hopeful. As the days went on, people recovered. Brian had been talking. Although not his once cheerful self, it was good that he could communicate. Hana had shown quite a bit of improvement, and Cliff (albeit with a little extra care from her) had been eating all of his rations for the day.

But now, her little treehouse was filled with people crying over the loss of their loved ones.

Caroline sighed as she looked around. She didn't think she could handle this much longer.

"I can't take it..." muttered a voice. She watched as Jay stood, shaking from head to toe. "I can't take it!"

"Jay," Roger called. "Don't do it!"

"I'm leaving!" Jay cried. He slid down the rope ladder and ran into the surrounding woods before anyone could say another thing.

"Fine," Caroline muttered. "Mark him off Hana, he's as good as dead."

Hana made an eighth mark for that day. Sixteen marked out stars, only thirty-eight left.

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