Third and Fourth

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The few states that had fallen asleep were roused quickly as banging started on the door. Groaning and growling could be heard just behind it.

"Wake up!" Carter yelled, standing and pulling on his shirt. "Up, up, up! Prepare to get a move on y'all!"

"Haha, y'all," Jay said.

"Glad you're laughing at a time when we could easily die," Caroline snapped. "Maybe you could go out there and tell the zombies some jokes, I'm sure they'd love it."

"Hey," Cliff interrupted, pulling on Caroline's shirt sleeve. "Now is not the time to be fighting. We have to go, quickly!"

The zombies broke open the doors and the states started running down the hallways of the elementary school, far ahead of them.

A loud thump echoed behind them. "Caden!" A male voice called. The states that stopped running were too scared to go and help the fallen Iowa, but one was brave enough.

"Mark! No!" Caden cried. "Don't!"

But the Dakotan didn't listen, and he slid back down the hallway, helping Caden up and then pushing him along right before the undead creatures could get to them.

He pulled out his gun and took out a few, but one he didn't see bit the side of his chest, straight through his left side.

Mark's face twisted in agony. With his last moments, he shot the zombie that had bit him, and shot his own stomach. He collapsed on the ground and the zombies were upon him, while the others stood in shock at the scene that had just unfolded. "Run!" Benjamin cried to the others, and they all took off, leaving only Carter, Caden, and Perri.

"O-Oh my god," Carter whispered, his usually tan skin pale and clammy. "Come on, run. We have to run."

South Dakota pulled out her pistol. "After that?" she asked, laughing maniacally. "Not a chance." She ran towards the hoard.

"Perri, no!"

Carter and Caden watched in horror as Perri shot like a maniac, burying her bullets in the heads of several zombies before one bit her shoulder.

She yanked out of its grip and kicked the zombie square in the ribs, shooting it for good measure.

Another one bit her leg, and she shot it. A third got her side, and she tried to shoot it, but she was all out of bullets.

The adrenaline had faded, and she realized what a terrible mistake she had made. She collapsed on her brother's remains as they overtook her.

"Rule one," Carter stated, starting to back away. He could still hear the thundering footsteps of his companions, and hear a few starting to call his and Caden's names. "Always save a bullet for yourself."

They watched as Perri's corpse rose and started lumbering after them until Carter put a bullet through what was left of her skull.

Then he and Caden ran off towards the sound of their names echoing off the high cinder block walls.

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