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Joseph writhed on the ground in agony, clutching his leg. The others had somehow managed to drag him up the rope ladder, and Carter and Ben were holding him down as Caroline set his leg.

She stitched the skin and muscle closed and wrapped clean cloth around the wound. The Kentuckian's leg was swollen, red lines streaking down either side of his skin. Somehow, it had gotten broken, and now it was severely infected.

"Kill me," he ground out. "Please...just kill me."

"You have a chance to live," Caroline told him. She hated the bastard, but she wasn't going to let him die.
Kentucky was much worse. His leg was dripping even when covered, and his breathing was shallow. "It's gangrene," Caroline said to Lauren. "I'm sorry, but it's lethal without the proper medicine. And the proper medicine is seventy miles away."

"It'd be kinder to kill him," Melanie finished, knowing Caroline didn't want to say it.

Lauren nodded. "Can I...Can I just say goodbye to him...?"

"Of course."

Virginia stepped over and kneeled beside her boy. "Joseph, it'll be okay," she soothed, kissing his forehead. "Don't be scared. Just let go, okay?"

Joseph nodded. "Don't cry Lauren..." he said, his voice hoarse. "I don't like to see my big sister cry."

She kisses his forehead gently. "You're loved Joseph," she whispered. "You're so loved, and by no one more than me."

"I love you too," Joseph said. "Mels, take me out. I'm ready to go."

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