"Is Bran going to be there?!" You could already hear her excitement ringing through the line. A lot of Tyler's friends were quite attractive young men but Beth was obsessed with Bran never making it a secret that she was fond of him. He stood just under 6 feet with golden blond hair and a sculpted body just like the rest of the boys. Bran always played along flirting back but never took Beth seriously. He had too many young attractive women vying for his attention to be concerned with an older woman's crush.

"Yea, we can be the Milf squad. You and Bran, me and Jayce," I joked even though technically she wasn't a mother.

"Just give me a time and I'll be there with the White Zinfandel."

"I think they said they were starting around 8:00 but if you want to get here earlier I don't mind hitting up a couple of glasses beforehand to calm my nerves," My hormones didn't need the extra push but I could use something to loosen me up because I was freaking the fuck out already three cigarettes in.

"Chill out chicka, I'll get showered and ready now. I can get there in forty minutes and we'll have over an hour to get our buzz on. And then later I can get my groove on like Stella," she chuckled.

"Just remember Stella's man ended up being gay in real life," I teased.

"I haven't even started drinking yet and you're already a buzz kill. I'll see you soon," she grimaced.

"By Beth," and then I hung up the phone.

I pulled up to the house with Tyler, Jayce, Bran, and  Adam one of their other buddies standing out front playing around wrestling in the yard with beers already in hand. Tyler and Bran were on the grass rolling around going body flaunting their male testosterone.

"Umps, umps, umps, umps," Jayce came up to my car bobbing his head vigorously crossing his arms in and out making waves mocking my trance music I had blaring from my speakers.

"Are you making fun of my music?" I scowled with a grin cutting off the engine getting out of the car.

"Never, I love this stuff. I can even twerk to it see," and then he turned around shaking his ass with his front hands clasped together mocking me even more. Everyone including me burst out in laughter he looked so ridiculous. Good thing I didn't meet him at a club or I would have never gone home with him after witnessing that eyesore of a sight.

"You like my dancing skills don't you?" Jayce smirked winking at me.

Bam! and there it came. Tyler came up from behind tackling Jayce down to the ground with a hard thud.

"Stop flirting with my mom," Tyler asserted in a deep tone hovered over Jayce with Jayce still facing the dirt lifting himself up off of the ground. Tyler's face proudly donned a cryptic smirk of content looking down at Jayce before facing me with that same evil smile.

"You know sometimes you can be a real ass Tyler," I shrugged my shoulders nodding my head with a frown disturbed by his actions.

"Shit Jayce, your legs all scraped up!," I had redirected my glance back to Jayce who was now standing with blood trailing down his shin.

"Oh come on mom, Jayce knows I was just playing." His voice was so empty lacking emotion it scared me. It was like he was nonchalantly trying to get his point across reminding Jayce that he was bigger and stronger and not to be fucked with especially when it came to me.

"Mia I'm fine," Jayce tried shaking it off never looking back at Tyler. I think he knew there was already too much tension now between the two of them and decided to leave things alone to my relief. Tyler wasn't stupid, he could sense the attraction between me and Jayce even though he didn't know the details. Tyler was making it known that he knew something and he definitely didn't approve. Everybody else just stood back silently in shock.

My Son's Best FriendWhere stories live. Discover now