Chapter 6

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"Tyler's told me how you use to just hang out with him and his friends every once in awhile just to have some quality time with him. He said that all changed, you changed, once you started dating Daniel and it wasn't for the better. This way you can spend time with Tyler and we can do something together. Beside's, I heard you can get pretty entertaining when you get drunk. Not that I don't find you entertaining already, you always keep me interested," and then he started laughing.

I had done some really embarrassing things when I was drunk around Tyler and his friends. God only knows what humiliating stories were shared with Jayce. I had been so wasted one night it took me two days to remember Tyler had convinced me to have a free styling rap battle against his friend Bran. Luckily everyone was so drunk that night no one realized to videotape the whole embarrassing ordeal. That would have definitely found it's way to YouTube.

"Okay, first of all I don't even want to know what they've told you and second of all, No. I was right, you are crazy." He just chuckled some more.

"Please," he begged placing butterflies kisses down the nape of my neck.

"Hmmm, .....still noooo," hesitantly the words came out of my mouth  moaning simultaneously leaning my head back with my lids shut basking in his caress melting like butter.

"If you don't then I'm forcing you to go on a date with me tomorrow and I'm not taking no for an answer. So what's it going to be gorgeous?"The kisses had stopped and Jayce had shifted his eyes up looking at me with an ice cold stare. I knew he was serious and as much I wished I could say yes there was no way I was taking the chance of being seen in public with him alone.

"What are you going to do? Fly us two states over on your private jet to some remote location where nobody knows us?" I said deadpanned getting up from the bed.

Jayce reached out taking my arm before I could escape back to my room, "Mia seriously, we're not going to be able to keep sneaking around forever and I want to do something with you. This isn't just some fling for me." I knew he cared and I wasn't just a lay to him but fuck me, a rubix cube was less complicated then this whole mess.

"Fine, you win. I'll play poker with you guys tonight but I need to get back to my room now. I've been in here long enough already," I turned back to Jayce hunching over giving a him a kiss before I walked off taking my arm back. His kisses were so addictive always suckling at my lips first before our tongues would entwine. I needed one last one not knowing when the next time would be.

"It's a date then," I didn't have to see it to know he was smiling cheek to cheek from the content in his tone when he yelled that out before I closed the door behind me.


I had run out to the gas station and grabbed a pack of cigarettes before tonight's festivities took place. I couldn't hold back the urge to chain smoke today stressed about how tonight was going to pan out. When alcohol played a part I was hornier than a dog in heat and having Jayce in the same room as me all night not being able to feel his sensual touch or divine kisses was going to having me sparking up like fireworks on the Fourth of July. I must suffer from one of those sexual addictions because I constantly craved sex twenty four seven and drinking only made it worst. Unlike most women I hit my sexual peak before my teens and never grew out of it.

Now that Beth had finally met Jayce I felt a little bit more at ease with her being in the same room as the two of us inviting her over for tonight. I knew she would probably embarrass me but I was feeling more comfortable that she wasn't going to give up my secret. I also needed someone to watch over me in case I started getting out of hand.

"Hey Beth, the boys are having a little poker game tonight and I need you to be my wingman and make sure I don't do anything stupid," I told her through my bluetooth system driving back from the Shell station.

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