Chapter 14

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Excuse my mistakes chyy
Half a  year went by and Gina and Rayan has left so did Naynay and Princeton. You and Lucas still the best and school is coming to the end living yall with free time.
YN P.o.v
I was walking down the hallway looking for my Bestfriend Dijonay so I can give her Valentine stuff August bought her. The only reason I'm giving this to her is August broke his leg fighting Keon again.... dumbass.
"Dijonay hereeeee!" I said giving her the stuff
"Omg thank you thank you!" She said jumping up and down hugging me
"August told me to give this to yah guh." I said elbowing her arm
"Aww imma give my baby sum real good." Dijonay said winking at me than leaving
"Yah nasty (Raven voice)!" I shouted to her. She just kept laughing
So I walked back to class when I see this sign reading " Lovely YN walk this wayyyyy!" I wanna find out so of course I walked that way da fukk any so as I was walking I see a trail of roses leading up to.....LUCAS!!!!!! I ran town to him and jumped on him like I haven't seen him in months. I climbed down and was greeted with 20 roses,life size teddy bear,and a bag of chocolate and a big ole kiss.
"Lucassssss!!!!" I said still hugging him tightly with a few tears coming out
"Babe I will always do it big for yo ass." He said playfully elbowing me
"I'm so happy!!" I said dropping to my knees
"Babe why you crying?" Lucas said picking me up
"Cause*sniff* sweetest thing has happen to men" I said smiling wiping away some tears
"Aww come here yah big baby." He said pulling me into his lap and rocking me
I was so happy that I was speechless like all I could do is cry. I love this boy I just don't want him to go like he gonna always be first in my eyes. Lucas I my bae and always will be!
Happy Valentine Day!!!!!!
Feb~14~16 that's when I wrote it y'all
Ik ik I been MIA bt I needed to talk to my boo for some help on these boy characters lol.
FYI sorry for the shortness

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