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{Bruna Marquezine}




I'm currently in Neymar's room with Davi. We have been spending time together a lot lately. Well, mostly them but it doesn't matter. Today is the day where Neymar is released from the hospital. His family never came to visit him so I asked him. He said they can't because they live in Brazil. I've always wanted to visit Brazil, like c'mon, who doesn't, it's Brazil. And then there's him being a professional soccer player. He plays for FCBarcelona and Brazil NT. I never really was a fan of soccer, but my father was a huge fan of soccer. He told me how much he loved the sport. I understand the sport, but never really liked the game, all in all. I'll play it, but won't really enjoy it.

When I told Neymar my story I didn't tell him we were still living with alan and Mary, I told him we moved out. So he wouldn't get worried, maybe that wasn't the best idea though. But back to Davi, I need to know when he'll take him so I can get Davi ready and also get mentally ready for him leaving. I look at Davi and see him playing with Neymar with some toys I brought for them to play with. They look so cute together. I can't help but smile. As soon as I was going to ask Neymar about Davi, there was a knock on the door. I stood up and went to the door, today was Sunday, so maybe he has a visitor, but why didn't he tell me? I open the door, and see that brunette that came the other day. Bruna? Right? I smile at her politely and she just gives me a disgusted look. Why do I even bother with her still?

"What are YOU doing here?" She hisses while glaring at me.

"I can ask you the same thing." I say back with some sass. She looks taken back from my words and just pushes past me. I roll my eyes. I tried being nice. I close the door and gasp when I hear I gasp coming from in front of me. She hasn't moved from in front me. Just in place looking towards Neymar and Davi. I guess she is surprised/happy to see them back together I guess. I was surprised with her next move. She just left, leaving behind a blank face Neymar. Now Neymar is just staring at me, since she was standing in front of me. I send him a sad smile.

'What just happened?' I ask myself.

♔BRUNA'S POV♔(aka:mysterious)

I am so going to kill Alan. How did he let a little kid like David escape. I can't believe him. I payed so much money for this kid to leave. And yes, I used Neymar's money. Who cares? That's why I'm dating him. For the money and the fame. Even if we are dating for almost two years now. I don't care. But now I need to call Alan and set him straight. I turn on my heel and I exit the room leaving them behind.


I'm just looking right were Bruna was standing with a blank expression. Why did she leave like that? I look over at Daniela, she was just staring right at me with a sad expression. I just look away. Why am I even dating Bruna, she's such a bitch. I wouldn't be surprised if she's just using me for my fame or money. Daniela comes up and sits on the bed right next to me and gives me a reassuring smile.

"Hey, I'm sorry about all that, I've should of left for you guys to talk in private, you know what? I can still catch her and let you guys ta-" she rambles but I cut her off.

"Don't worry, I don't want to talk to her." I reassure her. She's blaming this on her. It's all Bruna.

"You sure?" she keeps trying. She's just so nice. I nod and smile. She nods and smiles back. She then turns and looks over at Davi who has now climbed over to her lap.

"Daniela, I need to go home and get my house ready for Davi after this, so do you mind if you take care of him for a while until I'm ready?" I ask her while looking over at Davi too.

"Sure thing, I also need to get Davi packed." She said sadly. I feel so bad, but hey, she can visit whenever she wants to see Davi. I already told her. I gave her my address and phone number so she can call me if she needs help with anything. She said, she'll drop by my house to say bye to Davi and leave him with me. I still can't believe I found my son. After I found him, I don't actually have to force my smile anymore. I can smile all day, as long as Davi is right next to me. I know, I know, I sound like a girl, who has fallen in love with some guy, blah blah blah. Me and Daniela keep talking about Davi. I also feel really bad for her, because of those monsters who kidnaped her. I can notice bruises on her arms. But at least they moved out and are safe. That's all that matters.


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