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2 month had passed, everyone living the same as usual, christina would visit everyday, elli had forgotten about that night

Elli POV

Us girls were just hanging around watching tv as usual, "um guys... I need to tell you something" christina said getting our attention, "what is it?" I asked her,"um...w do i say this?, im pregnant!" She screamed, everyone started cheering around except for me

It felt as if someone punched me in the stomache, that means she did it with nick, and that reminded me of the night me and alex did it, i started to feel nauseous, i ran to the bathroom as quick as i could and vomited everything that i had eaten that day

All the regrets had found it's way back to me and started flooding up my emotions, i just sat on the floor of the bathroom and started to cry

I heard a knock on the door, "um elli?, is everything alright in there?" Lisa asked me, i don't know what it was or why i did it but i screamed at her "leave me alone!" And started sobbing again

Lisa opened the door and walked in, "Elli this is not like you.. Whats the matter?, im here for you" she comforted me, i just shook my head, the rest of the girls made their way to the bathroom

"Elli?, are you alright?, you ran off after i announced my pregnancy and then you screamed at lisa" christina questioned me, "yea im fine, i just felt sick" i quickly replied not trying to cause more drama

I started getting a shooting pain in my head, i got up and walk back to my room, i stumbled a couple of times but i managed

I closed the door and locked it so that they couldn't enter, i had no other choice , my regrets started building up again, so to release me pain i decided to cut myself again

I laid in bed letting the blood drip onto the floor and dry up, my eyes started getting heavier... Everything started getting blurry, i closed my eyes

Lisa POV

i tried to open the door but it was locked, i could hear elli crying from inside

I started to feel sad, why was she crying?, she even screamed at me but it wasnt like her at all to do that,i don't know the reason but im going to find out

Suddenly the crying stopped, but elli still hadnt opened the door, i quickly asked lauren to use her pick locking skill

Once she finally opened it, we both walked inside to see blood on the floor, elli's arm was sticking out, she was laying in bed, in her other hand there was a razor blade, she had cut herself again, lauren gasped

I ran to elli's side and started shaking her, she slowly opened her eyes, "mum?" She spoke to nobody in particular, "no elli, you are in your room, you and i are going out not" i said to her, while picking her up, I carried her to the car

"Where are you taking me?" She asked me,i ignored her and started up the engine then drove away from the house

"Elli tell me now why you were crying, why you ran off when christina announced she was pregnant and why you cut yourself" i asked her in a serious tone, "no, you'll be ashamed of me, you'll hate me forever" she replied almost crying, i parked my car , i helped elli get put of the car and started making our way to the cliff, i knew this spot would calm her down

"Elli, i want to know now, i promise no matter what it is i would never hate you" i replied re-assuring, and a promise is a promise no matter what

"Well.. When christina announced she was pregnant that made me realise that she "did it" and then that reminded me of what happened on the last night of australia, and so then i started to feel regret and neuseous because of that night, and i hated myself for not stopping alex that i regretted it so i decided to cut myself" she told me between sobs

So wait.,, that means she "had it" with alex on the last night of australia...but she regretted it and that she should of stopped alex...

"Wait so alex pressured you into having it with him?" I questioned her, "well no, i said i wasn't ready and he said that it'll be fine, and then so he took the lead, but afterwards i regretted having it with him before marriage, i don't deserve to live anymore i hate myself!" She sobbed

Alex should've listened to elli, now she wants to take her life because of it, i started to feel anger build inside me, maybe that's why elli didn't want to go alone with him... I wasnt angry at elli i was angry at alex

I pulled elli in for a hug, "shhhh... Everything is going to be alright, i still love you, don't be sad, im here for you" i tried to comfort her, she stopped crying eventually

"You know, you'll have to tell the girls sooner or later" i told her, "no!, promise me you won't tell them" she slighty screamed desperatly, she was giving me the puppy face , omg torture! But i couldnt resist so i ended up promising, "but promise me you'll never cut again, if you break that promise then i will tell the girls" i replied, she promised me and then thanked me

She laid her head on my lap, i stroked her head, when she fell asleep i carried her back to the car and drove home, once we got home she went back inside and acted like nothing bothered her, but i could see that she was hurt

I nudged alex in the arm, he turned to look at me, "lets go for a ride" i whispered, i walked out of the house and into the car, alex did the same thing

"Aelx you know how much you have hurt elli!?!" I practically screamed at him, "what are you on about?, she was fine when she got home" he replied kinda scared

"That was because she was acting, but she was actually dying inside, she told me about what you guys did that night, she regretted it , she wished that she could of stopped you, she even told you she wasn't ready! But you didn't listen to her, now she feels like just giving up in life, she even cut herself because of regret!" I screamed at him while slamming on the brakes

He looked at me in shock, then started to cry , "im sorry, i don't know what got into me, i love her, i really do ,now im starting to regret making her have it with me" he said through sobs

I rubbed his back, "just go apologise to her and tell her that you will never pressure her into something she doesn't want to do anymore" i re-assured him, he looked up at me with a desperate face, "are you sure?" He asked me, i gave him a smile and nodded

We then drove home, alex walked inside, i followed him, he pulled elli away

Alex POV

i pulled elli away from the others, i got into the car and she followed me, i drove to the beach , i walked out of the car and helped elli out

We both went and sat down on the sand, it was silent, but a peacefull kind of silence

"Look elli, im sorry about what i did to you, i should of listened to you now i regret taking something away from you that you didn't want to lose, i promise never to pressure you into something you don't want to do anymore" i said staring into her beautiful eyes

"Alex... It's alright i forgive you, but i will sometimes feel regret because once you have done something you cannot undo it " she said the she kissed me with her soft lips, i missed her kiss, we never actually did kiss after that night

I pulled her in for a hug and we watched the sun set, once it got dark, we drove home insp silence, but it was a awkward silence, we walked into the house, the girls looked at us,i looked at lisa and nodded , she walked up to the both of us and hugged us, "im happy that you both have worked it out" she whispered into our ears

We both smiled and blushed at the same time

Elli POV

Oh gosh i was starving, "kath can you make me something to eat?" I asked her, "yea sure, what do you want?" She asked me,"nachos" i practically screamed, she started laughing and made her way into the kitchen after a long time of waiting she came into the living room with nachos, we ate it

Gosh her cooking is the bomb diggity!, it was getting late so me and lisa decided to go to sleep

"Um.. Lisa?" I called for her, "yea elli?" She replied, "can you come sleep with me tonight?" I asked her in a puppy voice,"yea sure" she climbed into my bed

"Elli it just makes me sad to know that you want to end your life" she said to me, "oh..." Was all i could say

I decided to sleep, all that crying had drained my energy out of me

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