Camp out

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Elli POV

I woke up with a dead arm because lisa slept on my arm the whole night, i tried to slide my arms our but she grabbed it with her hands

"I know you're awake" i said to lisa, i knew she was trying not to smile so i started tickling her

Her head instantly shot up and hit me right in the nose *thud* "ouch!" I said

"Haha whoops sorry elli,i didn't mean to hit you" she said half laughing

"Haha funny" I said to her,my nose started to bleed, i ran out off the room and into the bathroom to get me tissue.

I walked back into my room and saw lisa sitting on my bed against the wall, "so whats up?" I asked her and she said the sky,i just rolled my eyes

So elli "we need to "talk"" she even did the quoting with her hands, i sat down next to her

"So why did you run away yesterday for?" She asked me with a serious voice

I just looked down at my palms and shrugged my shoulders ,"that's not a answer elli"

"I don't know,i guess i was just sad because i thought that you guys were angry at me" i said to her while almost crying, "why would we be angry at you?, we may be dissapointed in you but we will never be angry at you" she said to me while making me lay down on her laps and stroking my hair

"Really?" I asked her in a innocent tone, "yes,but what you did was wrong elli,i don't want to see you ever hurt another person like that ok?" She asked me, i looked i t her eyes and said "I couldn't control myself because when i was back in NZ i was bullied so i took fighting classes, and ever since itook those classes i kept getting into fights,i didn't mean to hurt hazel, Im just used to getting into fights,im sorry , I promise not to do it again"

Then she kissed me on the forehead and said "good girl"

I smiled at her and she smile back

Lisa POV

I walked down stairs and into the kitchen,kath and christina was already there

"Did you tallk to her?" Christina asked me, "yea i did" i replied

"What did she say?" Kath said,so i told them about how she thought we were angry at her and all

Christina POV

"Guys im taking you guys out to camp on a private beach you wanna go?" I asked them

"Sure",they replied

I wanted to apologise to elli and make it up to her ,it was my fault that she ran away

I walked up to ellis room and knocked on her door,she opened the door

When she saw me her face dropped " oh hey christina" she said in a dull voice

"Why the long face and the dull voice for?" I asked her

"Im sorry about what happened yesterday,i know it wasn't right" she apologised

"No im sorry,im sorry for coming on too hard on you,im sorry and i shouldn't of done that, it's my fault that you ran away,im sorry, forgive me?" She hugged me "it's not your fault i ran away,i guess i was just scared that you guy were angry at me"she said,so is this how she felt? ,i hugged her back tighter because i knew that i could lose her anytime and i didn't want that to happened again,not after what happened " we could never be angry at you" i said

"Get packing,me and mike are taking the older kids out" i said to her

I woke lauren and dani up and told them that i was taking them out

Who can i trust?-cimorelliحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن