That night

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Elli POV

Im running, a girl with half a body is crawling after me, i trip up, she gets ontop of me and whsipers "wake up"

I sit up as quickly as i can, puffing, i look at the time its still 6 so i decide to go for a run to the beach to see if wether or not my mum will visit again.

Once i arrived at the beach i sat down to rest, i waited a few minutes but no my mum didn't visit me, so i got up , before i was about to walk away i heard some call "tamahine" which means daughter in maori, i stopped and turned around to see me mum

She sits down and tells me to come sit down, i walk up to her and sit down

"Mum, what happened that night?" I asked her, she sighed ,i guess she knows what im talking about

"Ok, we were all asleep, until a man came into our house, you were in your craddle, your father and i was in our bed, and your brother and sister were in their room. Anyways you dad heard some noise coming from the living room, he went down stairs to check what was the noise, i heard him shout in horror, your brother heard the noise so he ran down stairs , i also heard him shout, your sister came into our room, i told you sister to look after you while i check, i went downstairs and your brother and dad laying on the ground , i heard your sister scream so i ran back into the room, her body was laying in a pool of blood, i screamed in horror, the man turned around and saw me, he came up to me with a knife, he stabbed me multiple times, i managed to crawl to your craddle and pick you up in my arms, i pleaded him not to kill you, he said that he couldn't kill a baby , last thing i know is that he stabbed me through the neck" she told me

I was about to cry, what kind of heartless monster would do this!, my mother started stroking my hair, i heard someone gasp behind me

I turned around to see lisa standing there stuttering

"Wh wh who is she?" She said while stuttering, "this is my mother" i said to her

"Mum this is lisa, lisa this is mum" i introduced them, "well darling i have to go now, i won't be back anymore, the only reason i could visit you was to tell you the truth" my mother said

The breeze starting picking up, her body dissapeared

I sat down , lisa came and sat next to me, " you look like your mother, same hair, same eyes and same skin colour" lisa said, i looked up at her and smiled

"You really think so?" I asked her , "im sure of it" she said while smiling

She helped me onto my foot and we started walking home

"My mother told me the truth of what happened that night" i said to lisa

"You can tell me whenever you feel ready" she said encouragingly, i linked my arm into her arms

"You don't think im crazy?" I asked her, she shooked her head "i saw your mum, so thats a no, but if i didn't see her i would of thought you were crazy" she said

I jumped onto her back, "carry me horsey!" I shouted while laughing,

She started running, she tripped over the footpath and ended up injuring herself

"Im sorry lisa!" I said to her, "it alright,lets just get home" , she tried to get up but her ankle was hurting, i checked it, she sprained it quite badly, so i picked her up and carried her home on my back

Once we got home that family asked us where i was,

I told them that i was at the beach talking to my deceased mother, the looked at me as if i was crazy, but lisa backed me up because she saw her too

Then i told them that she told me what happened on that night

But i wasnt ready to tell anyone that, its still a secret for me to get used to

Before they left i decided to tell them my other secret, about my life back in new zealand and how i got bullied and all that, they are my family and they have earned my trust

Lisa POV

my ankle was hurting so elli laid me down on the couch, she ran off to get something, she came back with a bandage and ice pack

"Imma use rice on you" she said, i gave her that confused look "R stands for rest, I stand for ice, C stands for compression and E stands for elevation" since when did she know these stuff?

"You mum looked really beautiful, so im guessing thats where you got your looks from" i said to her, she didn't look up from my ankle, she just smiled

After she finished wrapping my ankle she went into the kitchen to get something to eat, she came back with egg,bacon and a toast, she handed it to me

"Im not hungry,here you can have it" she said to me, i took it from her and said thanks

"So elli, now that its me who is injured, you have to take care of me and sleep with me"

I gave her a grin, "nah,id rather sleep with alex tonight" she said "ouch hurtfull" i pouted at her

She stuck her tongue out at me , and i stuck my tongue out at her

She opened her mouth, i know she wants some food, i was going to feed her but i surprised her by turning the fork around and bringing it to my mouth

"Meanie" she said, "fatso" i replied, she just walked off into the kitchen, she didn't come back

After i finished eating i called elli back to get the plate but she didn't come so i had to get up and limp into the kitchen

"What happened to you?" Alex asked while laughing, "why don't you ask your girlfriend?" I said to him

"So what happened to lisa?" He asked his gf, "oh i um... She was carrying me on her back and she tripped up and sprained her ankle,so then i had to carry her back" she replied

He started laughing even more, so i gave him a punch on the arm, "oww that hurt" he said pouting, i just walked off

I went back into my room to get some rest, it was only 10am, why am i so tired urgh!

Elli came into the room," lisa about what happened at the beach" she said to me, "yea what is it?, you seem sad" i asked her, "oh um you know how she said that the reason she visted me was to tell me the truth right ?" She asked me, i nodded my head, "well she also said that she wont be back anymore, but do you think she mean as in today or forever until i die?" She asked me, i wasn't actually sure

"I think she meant as in forever because i think that she needed you to grow up,understand thing and when you're the right age she would tell you" i replied, she just hung her head down

I walk up to her, i lift her head up and looked deep into her eyes, i know she was about to her,because her pupils started to move side to side quickly

I hug her,so that she could cry on my shoulder, i walked back into bed and started tweeting on twitter about my day so far, elli came and sat down next to me

"Lisa i don't think i can keep it in anymore, i need to tell you now" she said, what is she talking about?

She then told me what her mother told her, i was shocked to hear what happened, what kind of monster would kill kids! I thought to myself

The rest of the day we just did what ever we wanted, as for me i just stayed in my room on twitter

Tonight we were all going out for dinner,

Once we arrived at the restaurant, dani and lauren sat next to elli, i sat across from her

We talked all night , we ate food, took photos, we then decided to go home

Elli carried me back into our room,"isnt it tiring carrying me up the stairs?" I asked her, she was puffing, ill take that as a yes

It was getting quite late so we hopped into bed,

Before i went to sleep i said night to elli and she said night back

"Night mum,nice seeing you today" i heard her say

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