Sorry and a date

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Lauren POV

"Hey ellison are you gonna text blake tonight or nah?" I asked her in a lovey dovey voice

"Oh yea i forgot i had his number" ,aww thats so cute

I wondered off into the kitchen to get something because i was still hungry even though we already had dinner,dani walks in calling me a fatso so i put whip cream on her nose which in return she put nutella on my nose aswell.

I love dani alot shes the best sister anyone could ever have, we suddenly hear someone scream we all ran to where the noise was coming from and it came from ellison's room ,she was on the floor because the little boys scared her

"Elli you scared us" amy said to her,but the rest of us started laughing our heads off but elli seemed to get angry so she shut the door on us, "guys i think you made her sad" alex said to us because he was the only one that wasnt laughing.

Hmm alex does care alot about elli

Alex POV

I felt bad about what happened so i decided to wait until everyone left to do their own thing so that i could apologise to elli.

"Elli? Can i come in?" All i heard was crying so i decided to go in. I saw elli crying so i shut the door behind me and went up to her and hugged her.

I don't know how it felt but it felt good hugging her because it was the first time i ever hugged her and she is also like a sister to me now ,so if anyone messes with her they mess with me.

Lauren POV

i felt so bad that i made elli sad so i decided to apologise to her,as i walked in i saw alex hugging elli because she was crying, aww alex is so kind,

"Elli can i talk to you?" As i gestured alex to get out of the room ,he then left and it was only me and elli,i decided to hug elli and she hugged me back "elli im sorry for laughing at you,i know it was rude and i felt bad after please forgive me?" She just nodded her head,phew she forgave me "well imma go to sleep now ,night beautiful" and so i left her in her room alone.

I walk into my room where dani and lisa is on their phone and ipod tweeting their fans,hmm i wonder is elli has twitter so i decided to ask her if she had twitter i texted her

L-El do u have twitter?

E-yea its @ellimay(made up)

L-ok thanks

I got on twitter and tweeted my fans ,after an hour i was to tired to tweet so i went to sleep

Ellison POV

after alex and lauren came to apologise i felt much better so i decided to text blake

E-hey its me ellison

After a few minutes he replied

B-hey ,how are tou

E-good you?

B-im good,hey do you wanna hang out on saturday?

E-um yea sure

B-my friend is throwing a poolparty because its her birthday,you can bring ur friends

E-they are my sister and yea sure thanks

B-sweet ill pick you up at 12pm

E-where should we wait?

B-at your place?

E-what about at taco bells?

B-yea sure,night beautiful ;)

E-night xox

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