"The fear of the stage"

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The day of the event is here and lot of people came. There is a huge stage that makes you feel terrified. There are lights all over the place. Four chairs and a large table in front of the stage and that's where the Korean judges will sit to judge you. Behind the scenes, lot of amazing dancers were getting ready for the stage, one of them, was the young lady...
You was so scared. The place where you was going to dance frightened you. You was kind of nervous because you thought that you might fall or something while presenting your skills in front of the others. I mean, there were lot of fabulous dancers and awful ones either.
After 30 minutes, the show began. The 1st team was sent by the crew. They gived a little introduction about themselves and began their cover. Then the 2nd, the 3rd, the 4th, the 5th... After 2 hours, your turn came to dance, to show your talent to people... you said: "Oh My God, i'm so scared! What if i fall or something ? What if the judges didn't like my choreographie ? What if i don't have the skills for all this ?" Lot of questions began to jump throught your head which you didn't know the answers.
Five minutes later, you found yourself in front of the judges, standing on that stage. They started looking at you. You gived a short introduction about yourself and one of the judges said: "Thank you miss. We would like to see your skills now." You closed your eyes for a minute and said: "Be confident, be happy. It's all about passion and who you are. You can do this. Show them what you are able to do." You oppened your eyes and the music started, you decided to dance like no one was there, like you was dancing alone in front of the mirror in your house, dancing dancing and dancing....
The final round came and they called the contestants to stand on the stage. The judges kept staring and the dancer's hearts were beating so fast, that's when they annouced the winner... It was you.... You jumped out of happiness and couldn't contain your feels. Your face became red like a tomatoe and the tears began to fall down your eyes like a watter fall. They gived you a bouquet of flowers and passed you the microphone to express your feelings. You said: "I can't believe it! Thank you everyone for supporting me and believing in my talent. I won't let you down, i promess."
End of Chapter 2

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