Chapter 5

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So I know I just put this up and it doesn't have oodles and oodles of reads but I kind of got really in to this and made a trailer it's over on the side ya feel. Ok peace out little munchkins xo

I ran out of the lobby and looked for Harry's car when I found it in the back parking lot. As I went to get in the passenger seat, in an effort to scare Harry, he was crouched down behind his blue convertible and screamed. I literally must've jumped five feet in the air and Harry laughed at me, his dimples evident. 

"Harry how the hell did you get down here so fast!?"

"I ran down the stairs to beat you here," he said between bursts of laughter.  We both stood in the parking lot for a good five minutes, laughing, before finally getting in Harry's car. We drove several blocks before reaching the studio, surrounded by security. I followed Harry through the doors and down several hallways before he lead me in to the booth the boys were using. It was quite loud inside, there was a blonde boy inside recording while the rest sat on the couches on the other side of the glass, jumping on one another.

"Harry, you're late," one boy stated.

"But if you bring her around you can be as late as you want! Hi, I'm Zayn," a tall, dark skinned dark haired male stuck his hand out. Before I could even respond, Harry began talking.

"Everyone, this is Sam. Sam, this is Zayn," he pointed to the dark haired one, "this is Liam," he pointed to the light haired one with brown eyes, "this is Louis," he gestured to the dark haired light eyed boy with the fringe. The three waved and exchanged a mumble of hellos when Harry continued, "Oh, and the one in the booth right now is Niall, he's Irish." I smiled at Harry. So far, I was actually enjoying this. It wasn't bad. The boys were nice, and I was having fun with Harry. The boys went on and on about how they were going to kill each other in Mario Kart tonight when a woman with light purple hair walked up to me. 

"Hello, love! I'm Lou, Lou Teasdale. I'm assuming you're a friend of Harry's?" She smiled and looked at Harry, raising her eyebrows.

"Yes Lou she's a friend of mine. Sam, this is Lou, she's a big part of our 1D family. Lou, this is my friend Sam." We smiled and exchanged hellos when Harry grabbed two fold out chairs for us to sit in. As the boys went on and recorded, I found out more about Harry than I ever expected to. He grew up in Cheshire. He used to work at a bakery. He has an older sister named Gemma. He loves Disney movies. His mom just got married. His birthday is in February. He used to wear really saggy pants. One time the boys straightened his hair in his sleep and he cried. He loves Stevie Wonder. But most of all, I found out that he wasn't a bad guy. He seemed very flirty and confident that day in Starbucks. I didn't like him for that. But now that I know him, he isn't bad. Actually, I quite like him. As a friend, I mean. I'm done with boys, I won't let another Ryan get to me again. When it was Harry's turn to do his bit of recording, the boys sat down and struck up a conversation with me.

"So, Sam... How long have you known Harry?" Liam asked. 

"Three days. Why?" 

"You've only known him for three days!?" Niall screamed and the boys shushed him.

"Uh yeah why is that bad?" I asked.

"Not at all. He just never brings girls around us. Not this soon anyway," Louis admitted quietly. 

"Harry and I are just friends.."

"Not with the way he looks at you," Zayn added. What were they talking about?

"Look, Harry is a ladies man and he always moves from girl to girl, that's why we never meet them. But he brought you here three days after meeting you, the way he looks at you... I can't believe you don't see it," Niall stated.

I was bewildered. I knew Harry tried to flirt with me and all but  the boys don't even know me and they're talking about how they can tell Harry likes me? Even if it's all true, it doesn't mean anything. I'm too soon out of a crazy relationship, nothing would happen anyway.  When Harry returns, the subject immediately changes.

  "So, Sam, why are you in LA?" Louis asked. 

"Oh, I live with my friend Ty. I moved in three days ago, the day I met Harry actually." I smiled and looked up at Harry. Something was different about this look. His eyes were different. They were deeper, darker. His expression was different. His curls were pushed back, his black t shirt and black jeans s compliment his tattoos. My eyes drifted to Harry's arms. His muscles seemed more prominent today. Could it be that I haven't noticed them before? His tattoos are dark and scattered, but attractive. I quickly stopped myself. No. I cannot look at Harry that way. It's too soon. It's not right. The boys and I all chatted a bit before Harry and I got in the car and drove home.

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