Chapter 8

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Niall's POV:

Harry's been gone for a while now. We were all scared they might of killed each other.

"Do you want me to check on them? Its been an hour," I mumbled. Zayn and Louis nodded and I got up. I made my way to his bunk and slowly pulled the curtain. I blinked a few times to see if I was seeing what I really was. Liam and Harry, cuddling and asleep. Didn't Harry just want to snap him in half? I pulled the blanket over them causing Harry to stir. I froze until he buried his head into Liam's chest. I pulled the curtains back and walked back to the boys.

"Wha--" Louis began.

"They're asleep," I chuckled. I did feel a bit jealous but I let them sleep.

"Together?" Louis whispered. Sadness washed through his blue eyes.

"Yeah, just leave them, at least they don't hate each other," I sighed. He nodded and got up. He stalked over to his bunk and I heard him lay down and sigh loudly. I felt my phone vibrate.

From Lou: can you come here? Im not used to sleeping alone :/

To Lou: yeah, let me put sweats on. We have a long ride.

From Lou: thanks.

I laughed a bit and turned to Zayn. He was already asleep on the couch. I laughed more and threw off my jeans and found ones laying on the floor. I put them on and made it to Louis' bed.

"Scoot over," I grunted. He sleepily moved over and threw an arm over me.

"Thanks Niall," he mumbled.

"You're welcome now go to sleep," I shushed him. His breathing steadied and I knew he was asleep. I kissed his forehead and snuggled into him. Blackness took over.


Liam's POV:

I felt something kick my legs and I jolted away. I realized it was Harry. When did he get here? Oh yeah, we fell asleep. Wait. What about Niall and Louis? I shrugged and pulled out my phone. It was 10:30 in the morning. Too early. I heard voices outside my bed. It was clearly Niall. Harry shifted and opened his eyes.

"Morning Harry," I said sleepily.


"You fell asleep and I didn't wanna wake up, so I fell asleep too.

"Oh," was all he said. He slowly opened the curtain and got out. I followed after him and stretched.

"Morning sleepyheads," Louis smirked.

"Hi," I mumbled and yawned. I walked over to Niall and kissed him.

"I missed you," I whispered.

"Awww me too," he cooed. I looked over to Louis and Harry and saw them full on snogging.

"Woah its been one night, calm down," I joked. They obviously didn't hear me. They're sickly sweet.

"You feeling any better?" Niall asked.

"Yeah, Harry's a really good therapist," I laughed.

"I know," he agreed. I smiled and attached my lips to his. He slid his tongue across bottom lip. I let him in and we slowly explored every centimeter of each others mouths.

"Do I really have to wake up to this everyday?" I heard Zayn yell. I pulled away and pecked Niall's lips and looked towards him. I looked back to Harry and Louis and they also were pulled away.

"Get used to it," Louis said. I bit my lip and looked at my feet.

"You guys are cute and shit but it gets gross," Zayn said.

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