New Start

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                   I sat over my bed, I feel light as a feather. I can feel and see the light coming into my room. I feel my hair flowing behind me. Its a nice feeling. I looked down and i fell onto my bed. Its been a month since i learned I'm a witch and i'm starting to get a hang of my powers. My eyes has changed to a dark purple color, which I think is pretty sexy lol. I've been out of school for a week since the school had a little problem with Its gas line. (not my fault I swear) Well they gave us the week off so they can fix it. 

                  That night I had  the dream of my parents again, I hate how its never a happy memory it has to be the same one of when they died. I woke up in tears and cold sweat, and after a shower I was feeling alot better. For my first day back to school I'm going to wear my black leggings under a short gray skirt, a tight button up shirt with a red tie with my black beret.

                  At school I saw Callie, she has been sick this week so i havn't seen her since the last time I was in school. She looks different I don't know what It is but it looks good. She is my height With shoulder length black hair hazel eyes and pale skin. She is as thin as I am, well she looks good maybe i should catch what ever she had this week.

                 In meteorology class the captain of the rugby team, rugby is kind of like a cross between soccer and football, started talking to me. We spoke, we laughed and after a few minutes i noticed his ex girlfriend Katie head cheerleader shooting daggers at me with her eyes. I  never really liked her so it made it all the better. After class she something to say to me.

                  " Whats your problem!?" she shouted at me.

                   "what," was all I could say.

                   "What would Mark, captain of the rugby team want with a freak like you!?" she replied clearly not over him.

                  " I guess he was looking for an upgrade," I snapped back.

                  " Ummm ummmm," she was speechless, a few seconds later I see her fist going straight for my face. I docked and returned it right to her. However as my fist flew for her face i felt my hand hardening. I tried to pull back but it was to close for it to work and I hit her square in the jaw and with that she fell to the floor crying. I guess I don't have as much control over my powers as i thought I did.

                     At the office I saw this new boy who sat  on the bench by the princepal's office. I'm not saying i'm Little miss popular but in a small school like mine you know a lot of people. He was very tall standing around 5'10" making me look very short to my all of 5'4". He messy red hair like he just got out of bed and a pair of bright green eyes that look like two emeralds. To me he kinda looked like prince Will. I walked over and took a seat next to him.

                    "Hello my name is Aden," he said in an oh so cute british accent.

                     "I'm Audrey," I replied.

                     "That's a nic...," just then the princepal's assistant cut him off and called me in.

                     "Well see you later," I said to him.

                      "I'd like that," he replied with a small smirk.

                       Well apparently I broke little miss cheerleader's jaw with that punch and I'm suspended for a few days no biggy. I asked Callie if she can get my homework since she is in all my classes. I told her about Aden, she kind of freaked out about how I just met my soul mate. I told her how she is over reacting since I only just met him. That night I thought of this feeling I had when I was talking to Aden, it was something I can't put into words. Well I'm not going to lose any sleep over the new kid so I went to bed.

                      Since i couldn't go to school for about a week my grandmother thought it would be a good time to visit my parents grave and the people we know back in Salem. So after my grandmother books the hotel and stuff we hop in the car and drive over. Salem is a beautiful town, Its the same as i remember it. We stayed in a hotel by the water which made me very happy. The next day we went to see some of my grandmother's old friends. I wasn't very into it but later we are going to see my parents before we go hit the stores.

                      At the cemetery it was a far walk to my parent's graves. When we got there we stood in front for a bit in silence. I turned to see my grandmother shedding a few tears. I Knelt down to touch the graves, it was so unreal even though I know they've been died for 13 years now. When I went to touch it a shiver went through my body, my body felt as cold as ice. I tried again and when I touched it everything went black and i can see my parents again standing in front of me.

                    "Oh how much you have grown," my father said to me.

                    "I've missed you guys sooo much," I told them.

                   " We miss you to," my mother said. Then my father cut in.

                 "Darling we love you with all our hearts and we watch over you since the time of our passing, now that you are old enough and you found out about our family's history we must tell you about our passing was  no accident. We were killed."

               "who would want to do such a thing," I asked in shock.

              "His name is Baldrick Gray. He is our forefather's great great great grandfather when the Bell family was in England," my father said.

              "And why the hell would he want to kill you guys?" I said.

             "Watch your mouth young lady!" my mother snapped which made me chuckle alittle on the inside.

             "Well many years ago....,"  i could hear a voice calling my name. I looked around to see who was calling me and  with that I was back into the cemetery. My grandmother asked me what i was talking about with a puzzled face i told her it was nothing. I guess they didn't give me the decency of not looking crazy.  For must of the trip all I could think about was what my parents told me.

                 Back in school that the new boy Aden is in a lot of my classes, I even sit next to him in meteorology. In class he spoke very little i asked him where was he from before he came to barker. He told me he was from London, England. Mostly he asked about me, and I told him about my family (leaving out the witch part) and how I was from Salem before we moved here. A few days later he asked me if I was going to the rugby game this Friday. I told him how I normally don't go to the games, but he told me how he joined the team and wanted to see a familiar face in the crowd. I told him I'd make an exception then.

               At the game i couldn't help but notice him, he moved like a lion on the hunt. He was amazingly fast and strong. He even made Mr.Captain of the team look like a slow fat wimp. I was just blown away, it seemed almost inhuman the way he moved on the field.

              That night I sat in my bed levitating a ball of water and thinking about what my parents told me and about Aden. Could there be someone out there who wants to hurt me? Is it really true? I sat there deep in thought, at the moment a strange voice spoke in my head.

             "Someone dear to you is closer than you think"  

The voice scared me so much that I dropped the ball of water on to my bed.

"SHIT!! now I gotta change my sheets!," I shouted.

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