Night Changes

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Bree Davenport changed her relationship status to:
It's Complicated

Bree Davenport updated her relatives list:
1. Tasha Davenport- mother
2. Donald Davenport- father
3. Adam Davenport- brother
      4. Leo Danger Dooley- brother

Private Messages between Chase Davenport and Leo Danger Dooley.

Chase Davenport: Why did she do that?

Leo Danger Dooley: Do what?

Chase Davenport: Just go and look on her profile.

Leo Danger Dooley has left the chat.

Leo Danger Dooley: Oh wow.

Chase Davenport: Yeah, "oh wow" is right!

Leo Danger Dooley: I can't believe she changed her relationship status to "It's complicated" who does that anymore?

Chase Davenport: No! Not that, the other thing!

Leo Danger Dooley: What? Ugh hang on...

Leo Danger Dooley has left the chat.

Chase Davenport: And will you just change your name to Leo Dooley? No one thinks you're dangerous.

Leo Danger Dooley: Wow I can't believe she took you off of her list of relatives.

Chase Davenport is typing.

Leo Danger Dooley: And just so you know I happen to be VERY dangerous, so I'm not changing my name.

Chase Davenport: Whatever, can we get to more important things? Like why Bree took me off of her list of relatives?

Leo Danger Dooley: I don't know, let me go ask her.

Chase Davenport: Wait! No!

Leo Danger Dooley has left the chat.

Private Messages between Bree Davenport and Leo Danger Dooley.

Leo Danger Dooley: Bree, hello?

Bree Davenport: What Leo Danger Dooley?

Leo Danger Dooley: Ok. Even though I'm not talking to you face to face I can still note the sarcasm in your tone. And just so you know I'm VERY dangerous. Woah... I'm having déjá vu.

Bree Davenport: Well no one thinks your dangerous. And I'm glad someone thinks the same way I do.

Leo Danger Dooley: You're getting me off topic! Why did you take Chase off of your list of relatives?

Bree Davenport: Because he's not my brother.

Leo Danger Dooley: Don't say that. Even though he's not technically your brother, he will always be family.

Bree Davenport: He's not family, and I'm not going to treat him that way.

Leo Danger Dooley: Ok Bree. Baby steps, baby steps. Has he tried to talk to you?

Bree Davenport: He sent me a message, but I'm not going to look at it.

Leo Danger Dooley: Why not?

Bree Davenport: Mr. Davenport said that we shouldn't talk to strangers, and that's all he is to me now. Is there anything else you wanted to ask me?

Leo Danger Dooley: No, that just about covers it.

Leo Danger Dooley has left the chat.

Private Messages between Leo Danger Dooley and Chase Davenport.

Leo Danger Dooley: Hey, I'm back.

Chase Davenport: So, what happened?

Leo Danger Dooley: She literally said the same thing you did about my name! What if it's too much for people to handle? Do you think I should change it? The only reason I did that was to warn people. I mean it's not like they sell explosives without a warning label...


Leo Danger Dooley: Slow your roll Sparky. I'm just telling you what happened. Your reactions are at the speed of Bree. Ha! See what I did there?

Chase Davenport: Will you just tell me what she said already?!

Leo Danger Dooley: Ok, ok. She's more mad at you than I even thought. She says that she doesn't consider you as family anymore. And you're just a stranger to her now.

Chase Davenport: Wow. This is worse than I thought.

Leo Danger Dooley: Oh! I almost forgot! She hasn't seen your last message. So if it was an apology or something, you can forget about that.

Chase Davenport: Oh my god, the message.

Leo Danger Dooley: What? What about it?

Chase Davenport: Leo, you have to help me.

Leo Danger Dooley: Seriously? I know it looks like I live everyday for our next whirlwind bionic adventure, but I have a life! I have things going on that can't be rescheduled.

Chase Davenport: Leo, all I need you to do is delete the last message I sent her. Please help me.

Leo Danger Dooley: What did the message say?

Chase Davenport: What? No! I'm not telling you!

Leo Danger Dooley: I thought I'd try. Fine, I'll help you.

Chase Davenport: Thank you so much, I owe you one.

Leo Danger Dooley: Ok, mom's about to call us down for dinner; when she does I'll sneak into Bree's room and delete the message. Make sure she doesn't see me.

Chase Davenport: Ok! Thank you!

Leo Danger Dooley: Ok, it's time.

Chase Davenport: Wait! One last thing.

Leo Danger Dooley: What?

Chase Davenport: You're not allowed to read that message. It's important that you don't. Ok? Promise me!

Leo Danger Dooley is offline.


A/N: Hey guys! I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while, I've had a lot to deal with for the past year and a half. CRAZY! Anyways, I hope you all liked the chapter and I will try to update faster than a year and a half 😜👌 Remember to...

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