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I AM SO SORRY!!! BUT, the "latest" update isn't so much an update because I've wrote that after watching the finale in Season 2, but I didn't publish it. I'm sorry for the false update :( And I didn't think my random review/perspective of Clexa would hit 3.9k viewers.  I know that it's now Season 3, and yes, Alycia is casted in (but is still as a Guest Star)! But I guess it is better, rather than having cut her off just like that in Season 2. And there are a lot of things going on right now in Season 3. I think Jaha is going cuckoo with A.L.I.E. Murphy.. Well, I don't know what to say about him. And then there's the Ice Nation, Grounder, Sky People.....Clexa. I'm not sure if I should continue my views on The 100, but maybe I would, if I feel like doing it. I'm just very confused with the show right now. I swear there's just too many things happening! But, thank you guys for even reading this at all.

Love yall,

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