One - Trying Again

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- Sean -
It has been about two or three weeks since we got back from LA. I've been at Elizabeth's house pretty much every day, making her food and helping her clean the house and such. The little things, that she probably would need some time to understand. Help is help, though.
I can tell that she definitely doesn't see me in the same light as she did a week before we left for Minecon. She's moved on, and it hurts. I mean, obviously I have been through relationships but when they ended, I was the one ending it. Willingly. And this time, I didn't even have a choice. Even worse, she didn't have a choice.
So, I've been trying my best to move on. Elizabeth has become a completely new person, getting pretty much all of her street smarts from my friends and I throughout the past two weeks. Not that it's a bad thing, they're good people, but just her having a whole new mindset and way of doing things is kind of weird. I've been trying, I really have.
I've noticed that she doesn't seem to think I'm trying to get her back into me, which I'm not. I'm just being how I would be around someone like Bee or Graser or another friend, just being who I am to them. I guess she really is just a friend again, and I'm beginning to feel fine with that.

- Elizabeth -
I have been home for about two weeks, it's nice to be back. Not that I actually remember it or anything...
Sean has been over a lot lately and it's really nice to have someone to hang out with. He's teaching me how to cook food and how to clean things and chores and how to be an actual person living on my own. My house is small and I'm the only one living here, so it doesn't require that much... Although, with Sean being over so often, he spends the night sleeping on the sofa or something. It's crazy, he actually cares about me enough to come over and take care of me but I can tell that he is moving on from me. I love that; he knows I'm different now and he knows that I don't see him the same as he says I used to.
I'm still getting used to it myself.
Anyways, I have been talking to the guys a lot recently. Sean showed me this thing on my computer called TeamSpeak, and everyone is there and we can all talk to each other so I'm getting to know everyone through that. I text some of them, but I only text Bee, Will, and Brayden on a regular basis. I know, it's kind of rude, but I just feel like they're a good friend for me, or somebody that I'd want to be around, especially considering the circumstances I have been in.
So, Bee and I have become good friends, which is cool because in the group (they call it The Cube) there are like no girls besides the two of us. So now we have each other.
And I don't know why I talk to Brayden so much, he's just really funny and fun to talk to. He makes bad puns, and stupid jokes, for sure, but it's not a big deal. I don't really care.
And then there's Will.
I haven't gone a day without talking with him, honestly. He's one of those guys that it's easy to talk to, like there isn't an awkward silence or anything. I like that about him. Plus, he can be really funny at times- like Brayden, he has those stupid puns and dumb jokes every here and there but, again, I don't care too much.
I honestly can't tell. Do we have a thing? Are we just friends? I know we aren't dating, that's for sure, but it really seems like we could. I don't know, only time will tell. And only time will tell if I actually like him, considering it's only been two or so weeks since I met him.
Well, you know what I mean.
I hear footsteps coming down the stairs and assume it's Sean, so I just stay at my computer and click around for a little bit. A short second later my door opens and he comes in with a plate with a something on it and sets it in front of me.
"What the heck is this?" I ask, poking it. It's like a pancake, and there's whipped cream and strawberries on top, but the actual thing has like, holes in it. But it's not a pancake.
"It's a waffle."
"Is it good? It doesn't look good."
"Pickypicky, just try it."
Reluctantly, I take a bite. It's actually pretty taste. I nod my head in approval.
"Told you." Sean snickers.
"Hey, you didn't tell me anything!" I retaliate with a giggle.
"Okay, well, you like them and that's what matters."
I take another bite.
"What are you doing on the Cube?"
Sean told me, a little while ago, that I was part of this thing called the Cube SMP. I've been working on my Minecraft skills and whatnot, so I know what to do.
"Oh, uh, I was thinking I could record a video on here or something."
I can see the shock in his face when I say that.
"Oh, alright..." He says hesitantly. "Want me to stay in here and help you?"
"Actually, I'd prefer if you didn't... It'd be all awkward and stuff."
"You mean like you?" He says with a chuckle while he gets up to leave.
"Oh, be quiet, you!" I say.
"Alright, never forget how awkward you are!" He closes the door. I chuckle and shake my head while turning to my setup. Clicking around on my screen and opening up the softwares I need to record, nerves strike me. This is something I haven't done in a long time, how do I even know what I'm doing? Slowly and steadily, I take a deep breath and press record.
"Uh, hello everyone! It's Elizabeth and I'm back with another videoooo! We are BACK on the Cube S M PEEEEEEE–" I pronounce each letter distinctly– "and we're just gonna work on some things! Now, I know it's been a long time since I posted and honestly..." My voice trails off. I click "End Recording" and log out of Minecraft, which I follow up with a long sigh and a spin around in my chair.

Heh, welcome to the sequel :3

Complications || Sequel to "Forgetting" || Cube SMP [Book Two] ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now