CH. 9

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CH. 9

CH. 9
(James & Loran)

Harvard was a good school I had been told repeatedly by my parents who were way too eager to get me as far away from James Moriarty as possible. A small frown creased my face as I stared down at the envelope in my hands feeling my parents gaze upon me waiting for me to say something but right now I was too engulfed in my thoughts. Why was it that I was so hesitant to go I wondered annoyed at myself? I was a genius, everyone told me I was, even James had said it so what was the problem with me skipping up to college? This college was in America I reminded myself looking worriedly at the still unopened envelope. If I left to a different country I could almost be sure I would never see James again. Was it worth it? Would going to a place that claimed to be extremely difficult be worth leaving England and James? My thoughts traveled back to where I knew James was talking to his mother properly for the first time in months, before I left we had been talking about college…he said it was too boring for me. If that was the case then why was I even contemplating it at all? Beginning to form my answer I looked up to my parents the envelope still unopened in my pale hands ready to answer but my mother interrupted me by placing her hand lightly on mine.

“Loran, please you will never get anywhere in life if you stay here. You have said it many times; this town is boring, lifeless. Honey, you asked us to let you go somewhere interesting and America and college for that matter is interesting.” She pleaded with her light blue eyes that I had inherited from her. Her words sounded logical, and she had even used my words against me but what I meant by interesting as she very well knew was a place where the crimes are more complex, and not see through like they always were here. I never said I wanted to leave England, and I definitely didn’t want to leave James.

“But…” I began ready to argue when my father stared down at me sternly and interrupted his face looked worn and tired from hard work, and I knew we had been struggling to make ends meet for the past few years which just gave them another reason for them to claim that this scholarship was a good move. 

“This is your future we are talking about Loran, not just getting you away from that freak of a friend although that is a plus as well.” He informed me his tone rough and on edge that made me want to plug my ears. After listening to James’ smooth voice my father’s was just too rough and irritating on my ears.

“James isn’t a freak.” I muttered annoyed. Why couldn’t they get it he was just an absolute genius, and misunderstood?

“He kind of is sweetie…”My mother trailed nodding her head slightly her voice much softer than my father’s.

“Loran the boy drags you along to crime scenes and talks about murders as if they are just a game. Your ‘friend’ has a loose screw in his head.” My father barked making me shake my head violently.

“Father I am the same way so if you are going to say that James is insane then you might as well be calling me crazy as well.” I spat making my mother pale slightly.

“You didn’t used to be like this before you started hanging out with that kid, and you’ll get better if you are separated from him.” She claimed making me roll my eyes, was this seriously what my parents thought was going to happen? Did they really believe that James was making me go crazy? This was all ridiculous. James had taught me how to see things, he didn’t make me start liking crime, and I already was doing that before I met him. It was what had made us such good friends.

“Mom, I always found crimes to be interesting. I always used to grab our newspapers and try and figure out who was the culprit. It is just a real life mystery book.” I compared making my father open his mouth in a stunned look of irritation before shutting it again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2013 ⏰

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